Kurt Huebner

phone 604 822 9439
location_on C.K. Choi 321


Jean Monnet for European Integration and Global Political Economy
Chair for German and European Studies

Kurt Hübner came in 2006 to UBC as the director of the Institute for European Studies. In 2012 he became a member of the Department of Political Science. He received his PhD from the Free University of Berlin where he also started his academic career in the field of Political Economy. His research focuses on the interplay of institutions and capital accumulation, on the national as well as on the international level. Over the years his work concentrated on money and currency regimes, politics and economics of European integration as well as on contradictions and complementarities of sustainability and international competitiveness. He has authored and edited 15 books and a substantial number of articles. And book chapters. He is actively involved in a number of national and international research networks and currently holds grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the European Commission and the Hans Boeckler Foundation. In 2008 he received the best paper award in EU Governance from ECSA-Canada

Besides his research activities, he is actively involved in organizing the annual EU Study Tour and its unique internship program as well as in the mentoring of students who participate in the annual EU Model University at the University of Washington. In times of an endangered project of European integration and crises of Eurozone member economies he is in high demand as public speaker, in academic as well as in non-academic settings. In the last few years he was a research visitor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, University of Birmingham, National University of Singapore, LUISS University in Rome, Sciences Po in Grenoble and Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.


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Personal Websitehttp://www.khuebner.ca/

Kurt Huebner

phone 604 822 9439
location_on C.K. Choi 321


Jean Monnet for European Integration and Global Political Economy
Chair for German and European Studies

Kurt Hübner came in 2006 to UBC as the director of the Institute for European Studies. In 2012 he became a member of the Department of Political Science. He received his PhD from the Free University of Berlin where he also started his academic career in the field of Political Economy. His research focuses on the interplay of institutions and capital accumulation, on the national as well as on the international level. Over the years his work concentrated on money and currency regimes, politics and economics of European integration as well as on contradictions and complementarities of sustainability and international competitiveness. He has authored and edited 15 books and a substantial number of articles. And book chapters. He is actively involved in a number of national and international research networks and currently holds grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the European Commission and the Hans Boeckler Foundation. In 2008 he received the best paper award in EU Governance from ECSA-Canada

Besides his research activities, he is actively involved in organizing the annual EU Study Tour and its unique internship program as well as in the mentoring of students who participate in the annual EU Model University at the University of Washington. In times of an endangered project of European integration and crises of Eurozone member economies he is in high demand as public speaker, in academic as well as in non-academic settings. In the last few years he was a research visitor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, University of Birmingham, National University of Singapore, LUISS University in Rome, Sciences Po in Grenoble and Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.


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Personal Websitehttp://www.khuebner.ca/

Kurt Huebner

phone 604 822 9439
location_on C.K. Choi 321
About keyboard_arrow_down

Jean Monnet for European Integration and Global Political Economy
Chair for German and European Studies

Kurt Hübner came in 2006 to UBC as the director of the Institute for European Studies. In 2012 he became a member of the Department of Political Science. He received his PhD from the Free University of Berlin where he also started his academic career in the field of Political Economy. His research focuses on the interplay of institutions and capital accumulation, on the national as well as on the international level. Over the years his work concentrated on money and currency regimes, politics and economics of European integration as well as on contradictions and complementarities of sustainability and international competitiveness. He has authored and edited 15 books and a substantial number of articles. And book chapters. He is actively involved in a number of national and international research networks and currently holds grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the European Commission and the Hans Boeckler Foundation. In 2008 he received the best paper award in EU Governance from ECSA-Canada

Besides his research activities, he is actively involved in organizing the annual EU Study Tour and its unique internship program as well as in the mentoring of students who participate in the annual EU Model University at the University of Washington. In times of an endangered project of European integration and crises of Eurozone member economies he is in high demand as public speaker, in academic as well as in non-academic settings. In the last few years he was a research visitor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, University of Birmingham, National University of Singapore, LUISS University in Rome, Sciences Po in Grenoble and Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.

Teaching keyboard_arrow_down
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Personal Websitehttp://www.khuebner.ca/