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View the many prizes and scholarship opportunities available to you in UBC Political Science and the many award recipients. Some award amounts may change from year-to-year.
Akanksha Stevens Prize
This $500 prize goes to an outstanding graduating student in Political Science (one of the highest overall GPAs)
2023: Qiu Guan
2022: Alex Magas
2021: Hailey Clarke
2020: Lisa Basil
2019: No award given
2018: Tanvi Kaur Bhatia
2017: Emma Lodge
2016: Matthew Nakatsu
2015: Max Gardiner
2014: Klaudia Wegschaider
2013: Jonathan Au
2012: Rebecca Dhindsa & Sam Rowan
2010: Justin Shoemaker
2009: Kelsey Harbour
2008: Caitlin Cassie
2007: Valerie Freeland
2006: Sam Slover
2005: Jamie McAllister
2004: Frank Hangler
2003: Lissette Torres
2002: Sara Irvine
2001: Hilary Book
2000: Diego de Merich
1999: Caroline Byun
1998: Kristi Kenyon
1997: Shaila Seshia
1996: Aaron Delaney
1995: Garett Pratt
1994: Willem Maas
Carolyn Atwell Memorial Prize
This $150 prize has been endowed by friends to honour the memory of Carolyn Atwell, a UBC student in the Political Science Honours program who died in 1990. This is awarded to the best essay on third world development in a Political Science or IR course.
2023: Logane Rolland
2022: Erik Bruendl
2021: Danilo Angulo Molina
2020: June Lee (Major in POLI, Minor in Law and Society)
2019: Claire Emery (POLI HONS)
2018: Omri Rozen (POLI HONS)
2017: Emma Lodge
2016: Alberto Alcaraz-Escarcega
2012: Kevin Um
2011: Elise Grieg
2010: Genevieve Barrons
2009: Jagdip Kang
2008: Rory Mcclure
2007: Valerie Freeland
2006: Anna Wong
2005: Tara Cooper
2004: Rachel Li
2003: Anna Silver
2002: Marc Andrew
2001: Christine Tai
2000: M. Annabella Espana Najera
1999: Colleen French
1998: Meghan Watson-Donald
1997: Ingrid Cosio
1996: Shaila Seshia
1995: Rajwant Mangat
1994: Kathy Rice
1993: Naina Sloan
1992: Catherine Aldana
1991: Florence Pionetti
1990: Jennifer Lyall
Jean Laponce Memorial Prize
This $1,300 Prize recognizes a senior Honours student for the best thesis in the Department of Political Science, 4th year program.
2023: Micah Matsuno
2022: Jessica Wang
2021: Vaishnavi Panchanadam
2020: Panthea Pourmalek
2019: Arian Zand
2018: Omri Rozen
2017: Alberto Alcaraz Escárcega, for his Honours thesis, “Realest Negus Alive:” Hip-Hop and its Interrelated and (Potentially) Emancipatory Politics of Language and Identity”
2017: Rachel Garrett, for her Honours thesis, “The Language of Sexism: The Impact of Gendered Terms in Media on Candidate Trait Assessments”
Kevin Wells Prize
A $750 prize has been endowed by friends to honour the memory of Kevin Wells, a UBC student in political science who died prematurely in 1981. The prize is awarded to a student studying Canadian politics who best combines academic achievement and community service.
2023: Maya Buchanan
2022: Ethan Lewis
2021: Eden Luymes
2020: Jack Magnus
2019: Kala Bryson
2018: Kyle LeSage
2017: Chris Coulson
2016: Shona Zhang
2015: no info
2014: Gabriel D’Astous
2013: no info
2012: Erica Sandhu
2011: Erica Sandhu
2010: no info
2009: Sean Davidson
2008: Anna Volgina
2007: Steven Klein
2006: Danica Wong
2005: Danica Wong
2004: Sasha Wiley-Shaw
2003: Ana-Maria Blanaru
2002: Mary Illical
2001: Menka Sull
2000: Natalie Marach
1999: Kate Bake-Paterson
1998: Scott Morishita
1997: Marc Hanvelt
1996: Adrienne Nash
1995: Anuradha Reddy
1994: Nathan Colborne
1993: Anson Koo
1992: Willem Maas
1991: Katrina Klinger
1990: Steven Chase
1989: Jeffrey Friesen
1988: Michael Lee
1987: Stephanie Hudson
1986: Stephen Eggleston
1985: Sherry Coutu
Robert Lorne Stanfield Prize
A prize of $200 is awarded to a student with an outstanding record in our field of study. This Prize has been endowed by individual donors on the occasion of Mr. Stanfield’s first official visit to British Columbia as Leader of the Opposition.
2023: Priscilla Ng
2022: Amy Topshee
2021: Andrew Ha
2020: Sarah Thomas
2019: Jaskiran Gakhal
2018: Nicole Del Negro
2017: Lily Le
2016: Fatima Al-Fahim
2015: no info
2014: Mason Willis
2013: no info
2012: Kevin Um
2011: Zachary Swannell
2010: Lucas Pinheiro
2009: Sev Frisch
2008: Simon Kelly
2007: Sheena Bell
2006: Nabila Pirani
2005: Savka Andic
2004: Simon Little
2003: Matthew Gillis
2002: Karen Lim
2001: Victoria Crites
2000: Chad Vandermolen
1999: Sean Rehaag
1998: Scott Vrecko
1997: Melissa Hudson
1996: Manjeet Singh
1995: John McArthur
1994: Shane Sadorski
1993: Ludmila Herbst
1992: Kelly Lautt
1991: Wilma Suen
1990: Jennifer Jackson
1989: Joanna Harrington
1988: Lara Olson
1987: Hubert Tworzecki
1986: Jeffrey Pentland
1985: Craig Ferris
1984: Virginia Aulin
1983: Virginia Aulin & Eliabeth Yip
1981: Janis Doran
1980: Gerald Crawford
1979: Scott Griffin
1978: Kathy Teghtsoonian
1977: Jock Finlayson
1976: Athena Cutler & Andrew Stark
1975: Robert Stowe
1973: Ian Stewart
1972: Frederick Rumsey
1970: David Dewitt
Stewart L. Chambers Memorial Prize
This $750 Prize has been endowed in the memory of Stewart Chambers, a member of the university’s first graduating class in law whose lifelong avocation was Canadian politics. The Prize is awarded to the undergraduate student submitting the best essay in a course on Canadian government and politics.
2023: Siavash Salamatian
2022: Aleena Haq
2021: Charlotte Alden
2020: Braeden Mayer
2019: Kirsten Tarasoff
2018: Kristina Maretic
2017: Eliot Escalona
2016: Sarah Siska
2015: no info
2014: Alex Mierke-Zatwarnicki
2013: no info
2012: Sarah Griffiths
2011: Mich Ryan-Aylward
2010: Justin Shoemaker
2009: Kyla Brophy
2008: Kate Addison
2006: Grace Lore
2005: John Kendler
2004: Jamie McAllister
2003: Laurel Waterman
2002: Elaine Ryan
2001: Sara Irvine
2000: Nyranne Martin
1999: Audrey Ackah
1998: Kate Bake-Peterson
1997: Paola Baca
1996: Cynthia Yoo
1995: Jennifer Spence
1994: Julie Simmons
1993: Harry Astaforoff
1992: Nicole Boyer
1991: Randy Hansen
1990: Robert Cooper
1989: Michael Hartley
1988: Terence Kersch
1986: Kenneth Dickerson
Walter D. Young Prize in Political Science
As a memorial to Professor Walter D. Young, a distinguished teacher, scholar, alumnus, and participant in the university community, his friends and colleagues have endowed a prize of $450 to be awarded to the best student in Canadian politics.
2023: Areesa Lalani
2022: Harjot Kular
2021: Paolo Caguiat
2020: Cecilia (Xi Yuan) Pang
2019: Natascha Schoepl
2018: Jenna Ilagan
2017: Hyunji Kim
2016: Sharla Walker
2015: no info
2014: Kieran Meehan
2013: Joel Allan
2012: Alyssa Tone
2011: Megan Ryland
2009: Kate Addison
2008: Alex Etchell
2007: Sheena Bell
2006: Grace Lore
2005: Stephanie Markovich
2004: Joel McLaughlin
2003: Graeme Hooper
2002: Dora Turje
2001: Maxim Fawcett
2000: Chad Vandermolen
1999: Scott Morishita
1998: Marc Coward
1997: Stephen Dinesen
1996: Marc Hanvelt
1995: Robert Piasentin
1994: Robert Piasentin
1993: Madeline Giovando
1992: Katrina Klinger
1991: Susan Sangha
1990: Jeffrey Waatainen
1989: Thomas Kaweski
1988: Mitchell Davis
1987: Kenneth Dickerson
1986: Wendy Morrison
1985: Ivana Stjepovic
1984: Janet Hiebert
Arnold Webster Memorial Scholarship
A scholarship of $450 has been endowed by Mrs. Daisy Webster in memory of her husband, Arnold A. Webster, B.A. ’22, M.A. ’28 who as a teacher and principal in the Vancouver Secondary School system also served on the UBC Senate and as a commissioner on the Vancouver Parks Board. He served as Leader of the Official Opposition in the B.C. Legislature and as a Member of Parliament in the House of Commons. The scholarship is made on the recommendation of the Department of Political Science to an outstanding student in the department.
2023: Michael Claassen
2022: Christopher Haun
2021: Bingjun Tang
2020: Hannah Bennison
2019: Natascha Schoepl
2018: Andi Jordan
2017: Emma Lodge
2016: Shona Zhang
2015: Henna Bhandal
2014: Nick Jonathan
2013: Ashley Bowron
2012: Allison Rounding
2011: Alexander Currie
2010: Anna Chen
2009: Akari-Oda Izumi Kvamme
2008: Wendy Zhu
2007: Caitlin Cassie
2006: Sam Slover
2005: Jamie McAllister
2004: Jennifer Gagnon & Simon Little
2003: Melanie Harmer
2002: Eli Walker
2001: Vina Sayson
2000: Chad Vandermolen
1999: Kevin Duxbury
1998: Jennifer Erickson
1997: Kim Hendess
1996: Adrienne Nash
1995: Megan Gilgan
1994: Elizabeth Long
1993: Laurel Baig
1992: Wendy Bancroft
1991: Wendy Bancroft
1990: Robert Cooper
1989: Thomas Kaweski
1988: Mitchell Davis
1987: Hubert Tworzecki
1986: Wendy Morrison
1985: Patricia MacLachlan
1983: Max Cameron & Christine Nielsen
1982: Naomi Mellor
1981: Randolph Lane
1980: Gerald Crawford
Hector Gordon Munro Scholarship
This $1,100 scholarship is awarded to an outstanding graduating student in the Political Science Major program (one of the highest overall GPAs).
2024: Milan Wiertz
2023: Noah Nurse
2022: Avijeet Dhillion
2021: Miles Schaffrick
2020: Danielle (You Lan) Luo
2019: Eden Hayley Luymes
2018: Lily Yen Nhi Le
2017: Grace Ma
2016: Rachel Herold
2015: Gurkamal Dhaliwal
2014: Gurjiven Sandhu
2013: Julie Jenkins
2012: Rebecca Dhindsa
2011: Emily Atkinson
2010: Aylon Cohen
2009: Lucas Pinheiro
2008: Dyna Tuytel
2007: Mila Shah
2006: Teddy Harrison
2005: Adam Carmichael
2004: Frank Hangler
2003: Lissette Torres
2002: Sara Irvine
2001: Hilary Book
2000: Diego de Merich
1999: Brendan Brammall
1998: Scott Vrecko
1997: Shaila Seshia
1996: Aaron Delaney
1995: Garett Pratt
1994: Sara Dorsey
1993: Anson Koo
1992: Jasjeet Sekhon
1991: Randy Hansen
1990: Jennifer Jackson
1989: Deepa Khosla
1988: Lara Olson
1987: Stephanie Hudson
1986: Troy King
1985: Craig Ferris
1984: James Savage
1983: Christine Nielsen
1982: Brad Watson
1981: Janis Doran
Political Science Gold Medal & Scholarship
A gold medal is presented to the most outstanding student in the graduating class of Political Science. The recipient also receives the $1,000 Political Science Scholarship.
2023: Noah Nurse
2022: Erik Bruendi
2021: Jack Magnus
2020: Arian Zand
2019: Omri Rosen
2018: Brenna Fahey
2017: Rachel Herold
2016: Delphine Ho Thanh
2015: Alexander Chipman Koty
2014: Julie Jenkins
2013: Zachary Swannell
2012: Mieka Buckley-Pearson, Sarah McLeod, & Byron Taylor-Conboy
2010: Aylon Cohen
2009: Kyla Bourne
2008: Alex Etchell
2007: Mohamed Almehairbi
2006: Teddy Harrison
2005: Jamie McAllister
2004: Frank Hangler
2003: Lissette Torres
2002: Sara Irvine
2001: Hilary Book
2000: Diego de Merich
1999: Caroline Byun
1998: Kristi Kenyon
Claire Goddard Memorial Prize (1231)
2023: Logane Rolland
2022: Magdalen Sandland
2019: Jenna Ilagan
Department of Political Science Scholarship (1342)
2023: Noah Nurse
2023: Chloe Kang
2023: Nazgol Tavakoli Zadeh
2023: Maja Grandinetti
2022: Erik Bruendl
2022: Ava Tabatabaei
2022: Kat Swander
2021: Vaishnavi Panchanadam
2021: Alexa Traboulay
2018: Omri Rozen