Mark Warren

phone 604 822 4355
location_on Buchanan C421


Mark E. Warren joined the Department of Political Science University of British Columbia in 2004. As the holder of the Merilees Chair for the Study of Democracy, Warren was charged with establishing the Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions in the Faculty of Arts, which he directed from 2004-2007. Warren received his B.A. from Lewis and Clark College, and his M.A and Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. He came to UBC from the Department of Government at Georgetown University, where he co-founded the Center for Democracy and the Third Sector. He taught previously at Northwestern University and Rice University.

Warren’s current research interests fall within the field of democratic theory. He is especially interested in new forms of citizen participation, new forms of democratic representation, the relationship between civil society and democratic governance, and the corruption of democratic relationships. He is author of Democracy and Association (Princeton University Press, 2001), and editor of Democracy and Trust (Cambridge University Press, 1999). Democracy and Association was the 2003 winner of the Elaine and David Spitz Book Prize for Democracy and Association, awarded by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought, and also received the 2003 Outstanding Book Award from the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). Warren has published many book chapters in the areas of democratic theory and continental political thought, and has published numerous articles in journals such as the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, and Political Theory.

Warren currently directs a SSHRC-funded Partnership project entitled Participedia (, which uses a web-based platform to collect data about democratic innovation and participatory governance around the world. Participedia is building the data infrastructure for the emerging field of democratic innovations, as well as serve as a resource for governments, democracy practitioners and advocates.”



The Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy. Edited with Andre Bachtiger, John Dryzek, and Jane Mansbridge. Oxford University Press. 2018.

Designing Deliberative Democracy: The BC Citizens’ Assembly.  Edited with Hilary Pearse. 2008. Cambridge University Press.

Democracy and Association. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001. 2003 winner of the Elaine and David Spitz Book Prize, awarded by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought. 2003 Outstanding Book Award, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA).

Democracy and Trust. Edited, with introduction, one chapter, and conclusion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 

Nietzsche and Political Thought. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1988. Paperback edition, 1991; second printing, 1991. Portions reprinted in Political Theory:  Classic Writings with Contemporary Views, edited by Joseph Losco and Leonard Williams.  New York:  St. Martins Press, 1991.

Articles and Book Chapters

“Citizens Assemblies.” With Antonin Lacelle-Webster. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).

“Participatory Deliberative Democracy in Complex Mass Societies.” Journal of Deliberative 16:2, pp. 81-88. DOI:

“Can Meritocracy Replace Democracy? A Conceptual Framework.” With Baogang He. Philosophy and Social Criticism (August 2020: 0191453720948388).

“Authoritarian and Democratic Pathways to Meritocracy in China.” With Baogang He. In Deparochializing Political Theory. Edited by Melissa Williams. Cambridge University Press (April 2020), 174-200.

“What Can Deliberative Minipublics Contribute to Democratic Systems?” With Edana Beauvais. European Journal of Political Research 58:3, 893-914 (August 2019).

“The Crisis of Democracy and the Science of Deliberation.” With André Bächtiger (lead author), John S. Dryzek (lead author), Simone Chambers, Joshua Cohen, James Druckmann, Andrea Fellicetti, James Fishkin, David Farrell, Archon Fung, Amy Gutmann, Hélène Landemore, Jane Mansbridge, Sofie Marien, Michael Neblo, Simon Niemeyer, Maija Setälä, Rune Slothuus, Jane Suiter, and Dennis Thompson. Science 363: 6432 (March 15, 2019), 1144-1146.

“Rethinking Democratic Representation: Eight Theoretical Issues and a Post-script.” With Dario Castiglione. In The Constructivist Turn in Political Representation. Edited by Lisa Disch, Nadia Urbinati, and Mathijs van de Sande. University of Edinburgh Press (January 2019), 21-47.

“How Representation Enables Democratic Citizenship.” In Creating Political Presence: The New Politics of Democratic Representation. Edited by Dario Castiglione and Johannes Pollak. University of Chicago Press (January 2019), 39-60.

“Deliberative Democracy: An Introduction.” With Andre Bächtiger, John Dryzek, and Jane Mansbridge. In the Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy. Oxford University Press (September 2018), 1-31.

“Democratizing Governance Through Countervailing Power.” With Spencer McKay. In Handbook on Participatory Governance. Edited by Hubert Heinelt. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. (March 2018), 77-93.

“Beyond the Self-Legislation Model of Democracy: James Bohman’s Approach to Democratic Theory.” Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48:2, 237–246 (March 2018).

“Trust and Democracy.” In The Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust. Edited by Eric Uslaner. Oxford University Press, 75-94 (December 2017).

“Authoritarian Deliberation in China.” With Baogang He. Daedalus 146:3, 155-66 (Summer 2017).

“Can Proportional Representation Lead to Better Political System Performance?” In Should We Change How We Vote?. Edited by Andrew Potter, Daniel Weinstock, and Peter Loewen. McGill-Queens University Press (forthcoming).

“Authoritarian Deliberation in China.” With Baogang He. Daedalus (forthcoming).

“A Problem-Based Approach to Democratic Theory.” American Political Science Review 111:1 (February 2017).

“What Kinds of Trust Does a Democracy Need?  Trust From the Perspective of Democratic Theory.” In the Handbook of Political Trust. Edited by Sonja Zmerli and Tom van der Meer. Cheltenham Glos (UK): Edward Elgar Publishing (January 2017).

“When is Deliberation Democratic?” With David Moscrop. Journal of Public Deliberation 12:2, article 4 (October 2016).

“Can We Make Public Spheres More Democratic Through Institutional Innovation?” In The Democratic Public Sphere: Current Challenges and Prospects. Edited by Henrik Kaare Nielsen et al. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press (August 2016), 29-50.

“Can Deliberative Minipublics Address the Cognitive Challenges of Democratic Citizenship?” With John Gastil. Journal of Politics 77 (2): 562-74 (April 2015).

“Deliberative Negotiation.” Coauthored with Jane Mansbridge, with contributions from with André Bächtiger, Maxwell A. Cameron, Simone Chambers, John Ferejohn, Alan Jacobs, Jack Knight, Daniel Naurin, Melissa Schwartzberg, Yael Tamir, Dennis Thompson, and Melissa Williams. In Negotiating Agreement in Politics. Edited by Cathie Jo Martin and Jane Mansbridge. American Political Science Association. Republished as Political Negotiation: A Handbook, Brookings Institution Press (December 2015), 141-96.

“The Meaning of Corruption in Democracies.” In The Routledge Handbook of Political Corruption. Edited by Paul Heywood. Oxford: Routledge (January 2015), 42-55.

“Accountability and Democracy.” In Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability. Edited by Mark Bovens, Robert E. Goodin, and Thomas Schillemans. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 39-53 (June 2014).

“Deliberative Democracy and Framing Effects: Why Frames are a Problem and How Deliberative Minipublics Might Overcome Them.” With Aubin Calvert. In Deliberative Minipublics: Involving Citizens in the Democratic Process. Edited by Kimmo Grönlund, André Bächtiger, and Maija Setälä. (Colchester, UK: ECPR Press and New York: Columbia University Press, 203-224 (May 2014).

“Governance-Driven Democratization.” In Practices of Freedom: Democracy, Conflict and Participation in Decentred Governance. Edited by Steven Griggs, Aletta Norval, and Hendrik Wagenaar. Cambridge University Press, 38-59 (April 2014).

“A Democratic Case for Comparative Political Theory.” With Melissa Williams. Political Theory, 42: 1, 26-57 (February 2014).

“Polling and Democracy: Executive Summary of the Aapor Task Force on Public Opinion and Leadership. Lead authors: Frank Newport and Robert Y. Shapiro. With Whit Ayres; Nancy Belden; James Fishkin; Archon Fung; Susan Herbst; Celinda Lake; Benjamin Page; Susan Page; James P. Pinkerton; and J. Ann Selzer. Public Opinion Quarterly 77:4, 853-860 (December 2013).

“Citizen Representatives.” In Representation: Elections and Beyond. Edited by Jack Nagel and Rogers Smith. College Station: Pennsylvania State University Press. July 2013, 269-294.

“Democracy and the Everyday Origins of Fairness.” In An Exploration of Fairness. Edited by Janis Sara. Toronto: Carswell, January 2013, 1-13.

“Supplementary Democracy? Democratic Deficits and Citizens’ Assemblies.” Co-authored with Amy Lang. In Imperfect Democracies. Edited by Patti Lenard and Richard Simeon. University of British Columbia Press. 2012, 291-314.

Preface to New Institutions for Participatory Democracy in Latin America. Edited by Maxwell A. Cameron, Eric Hershberg, and Kenneth Sharpe. Palgrave-MacMillan. November 2012.

“Research and Practice in Public Deliberation: The Next Wave.” With Julia Abelson and Pierre-Gerlier Forest (second author). The Hastings Center.  December 2012.

“Two Trust-Based Uses of Minipublics in Democratic Systems.” With Michael K. Mackenzie. In Deliberative Systems. Edited by Jane Mansbridge and John Parkinson. Cambridge University Press, September 2012, 95-124.

“A Systemic Approach to Deliberative Democracy.” Principal author, Jane Mansbridge; coauthored with James Bohman, Simone Chambers, Tom Christiano, Archon Fung, John Parkinson, and Dennis Thompson. In The Deliberative System. Edited by Jane Mansbridge and John Parkinson. Cambridge University Press. September 2012, 1-26.

“Voting with Your Feet: Exit-Based Empowerment in Democratic Theory.” American Political Science Review: 105:4 (November 2011): 683-701.

“The Participedia Project: An Introduction.” With Archon Fung. International Public Management Journal 14:3 (November 2011), 1–22.

“Civil Society and the Deepening of Democracy.” In The Oxford Handbook of Civil Society. Edited by Michael Edwards. Oxford University Press, 377-90. September 2011.

“Democracy.” In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Thought. Edited by George Klosko. Oxford University Press, 517-29. July 2011.

“Authoritarian Deliberation: The Deliberative Turn in Chinese Political Development.” Co-authored with Baogang He. Perspectives on Politics 9:2 (June 2011), 269-89.  Reprinted in Essential Readings in Comparative Politics, 4th Edition. Edited by Patrick O’Neil and Ronald Rogowski. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012. Reprinted in Speech and Society. Edited by Monroe Price (Need publication details, 2016)

“The British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly.” With Archon Fung. Bertelsmann Foundation, May 2011.

Que Tipo de Confianza Necesita una Democracia? In Etica en Democracia para Mesoamerica. Edited by Claire A. Poulin and Xavier Landes. San Salavador: Embassy of Canada. July 2010.

“Is Low Trust in Political Institutions a Problem of Corruption?” In Political Corruption in America. Edited by Michael Genovese. Cambria Press: 37-64. 2009.

“Citizen Participation and Democratic Deficits: Considerations from the Perspective of Democratic Theory.” In Activating the Citizen; Dilemmas of Participation in Europe and Canada. Edited by Joan DeBardeleben and Jon Pammett. Palgave MacMillan: 17-40.  2009.

“Governance-Driven Democratization.” Critical Policy Analysis 3:1 (April 2009): 3-13.

“Deliberation under Non-Ideal Conditions: A Response to Lenard and Adler.” Journal of Social Philosophy 39:4 (November 2008): 656-65.

With Nadia Urbinati. “The Concept of  Representation in Contemporary Democratic Theory.” Annual Review of Political Science 11 (2008): 387-412.

“The Nature and Logic of Bad Social Capital.” In The Oxford Handbook of Social Capital. Edited by Dario Castiglione and Jan Van Deth. Oxford University Press: 122-49.  2008.

“Introduction: Democratic Renewal and Deliberative Democracy.” With Hilary Pearse. In Designing Deliberative Democracy: The British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly. Edited by Mark Warren and Hilary Pearse. Cambridge University Press, 1-19. 2008.

“Citizen Representatives.” In Designing Deliberative Democracy: The British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly. Edited by Mark Warren and Hilary Pearse. Cambridge University Press, 50-69. 2008.

“Institutionalizing Deliberative Democracy.” In Can the People Govern? Deliberation, Participation, and Democracy. Edited by Shawn Rosenberg. Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan 2007, 272-88.

“Should We Trust Them? In a democracy, it’s more important to believe politicians than to believe in them.” In Character. May 2007.

“Corruption as Duplicitous Exclusion.” PS: Political Science and Politics 34:4 (October 2006): 803-007

“What Should and Should Not Be Said: Deliberating Sensitive Issues.” Journal of Social Philosophy 37:2 (Summer 2006): 165-183.

“Democracy and the State.” In The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. Edited by John Dryzek, Bonnie Honig, and Anne Phillips (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), 382-399.

“Democracy and Deceit: Regulating Appearances of Corruption.” American Journal of Political Science 50:1 (January 2006): 160-174.

“La Democracia Contra la Corrupción.” Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales 48: 193 (January-March 2005): 109-139.

“The Transformation of Democratic Representation.” With Dario Castiglione. Democracy and Society, Fall 2004, pp. 5, 20-22. Reprinted in The Library of Contemporary Essays in Governance and Political Theory. Edited by Christopher Lord, Johannes Pollak, Rainer Baubock, Richard Bellamy and Joseph Lacy (London: Routledge, December 2016).

“Social Capital and Corruption” Democracy and Society, Spring 2004, pp. 1, 16-18.

“Informal Representation: Who Speaks for Whom?” Democracy and Society, Spring 2004, pp. 8, 15.

“What Kind of Civil Society is Best for Democracy?” Portuguese Journal of Social Science 3:1 (2004): 37-47.

“What Does Corruption Mean in a Democracy?” American Journal of Political Science, 48:2 (April 2004): 327-342. Reprinted in Public Ethics, edited by Richard Bellamy and Antonino Palumbo (London: Ashgate Publishing, 2010), and Public Sector Corruption, edited by Michael Johnston (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing, 2010).

“Trust in Democratic Institutions,” in Trust: Cement of Democracy. Edited by Frank Ankersmit and Henk te Velde. Leuven: Peeters, 2004, 49-69.

“What is the Role of Nonprofits in a Democracy?” Society 40:4 (May/June 2003), 46-51. Reprinted with revisions as “What is the Political Role of Nonprofits in a Democracy,” in In Search of the Nonprofit Sector. Edited by Peter Frumkin and Jonathan Imber. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2004, 37-49.

“What Can Democratic Participation Mean Today?” Political Theory 30 (October 2002): 678-702. Reprinted, with revisions, in Representation and Democratic Theory. Edited by David Laycock. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2004, 197-219.

“A Second Transformation of Democracy?” In Democracy Transformed: Expanding Political Opportunities in Advanced Industrial Democracies. Edited by Bruce Cain, Russell Dalton, and Susan Scarrow. Oxford University Press, 2003, 223-249.

“Deliberative Democracy.” In Democratic Theory Today. Edited by Geoffrey Stokes and April Carter. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2002, 173-202.

“Comments on Stephen White’s Sustaining Affirmation: Weak Ontology in Political Theory,Theory and Event (June, 2000).

“Democratic Theory and Trust.” In Democracy and Trust. Edited by Mark E. Warren. Cambridge University Press, 1999, 310-345.

“What is Political?” Journal of Theoretical Politics 11 (April, 1999): 207-231.

“Reply to Ruth Abbey and Fredrick Appel,” Political Theory 27 (February, 1999): 126-130.

“Nietzsche and the Political,” New Nietzsche Studies, 2 (Fall/Winter, 1997): 37-57.

“What Should We Expect From More Democracy? Radically Democratic Responses to Politics,” Political Theory 24 (May, 1996): 241-70.

“Deliberative Democracy and Authority,” American Political Science Review 90 (March, 1996): 46-60.

“When Does Reason Become Power?:  Nietzsche and Weber.”  In Max Weber and the Barbarism of Reason.  Edited by Asher Horowitz and Terry Maley. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995: 68-96.

“The Self in Discursive Democracy.”  In The Cambridge Companion to Habermas.  Edited by Stephen K. White. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995: 167-20.

“Nonfoundationalism and Democratic Judgment,” Current Perspectives in Social Theory 14 (1994): 151-182.

“Democracy and Difference,” Newsletter of the Committee on the Political Economy of the Good Society 4 (Summer, 1994): 1, 3-7.

“Can Participatory Democracy Produce Better Selves?  Psychological Dimensions of Habermas’s Discursive Model of Democracy.”  Political Psychology 14 (June, 1993): 209-234.

“Response to Robert Bellah,” Political Economy of the Good Society Newsletter 2 (Summer, 1992): 13-14.

“Max Weber’s Nietzschean Conception of Power.”  History of the Human Sciences 5 (August, 1992): 19-37; reprinted as Politics and Modernity, edited by Irving Velody and Robin Williams (London:  Sage, 1993).

“Democratic Theory and Self-Transformation.”  American Political Science Review 86 (March, 1992): 8-23.

“Ideology and the Self.”  Theory and Society, 19 (October 1990): 599-634.

“Liberal Constitutionalism as Ideology:  Marx and Habermas.” Political Theory 17 (November, 1989): 511-534.

“What is Political Theory/Philosophy?” PS 22 (September, 1989): 606-612.

“Marx and Methodological Individualism.”  Philosophy of the Social Sciences 18 (December 1988), 447-476; revised and reprinted in Rational Choice Marxism:  Assessments, edited by Terrell Carver and Paul Thomas. London: Macmillan, and University Park, PA: Pennsylvania University Press, 1995.

“Max Weber’s Liberalism for a Nietzschean World.”  American Political Science Review 82 (March 1988): 31-50; reprinted in Max Weber and the Fate of Politics, edited by Peter Lassman and Irving Velody. Routledge (2005); reprinted in Max Weber, edited by Peter Lassman. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing (2006).

“The Marx-Darwin Question:  Implications for the Critical Aspects of Marx’s Social Theory.” International Sociology, 2 (September 1987): 251-269.

“Interpreting Nietzsche:  A Reply to Alan Woolfolk.”  Political Theory 14, (November 1986): 660-666.

“The Politics of Nietzsche’s Philosophy:  Nihilism, Culture, and Power.” Political Studies 33 (September 1985): 418‑438.

“Nietzsche and Political Philosophy.” Political Theory 13 (May 1985): 183‑212. Reprinted in Critical Assessments: Friedrich Nietzsche. Edited by Daniel Conway. Routledge (1999). Reprinted in Nietzsche. Edited by Richard White. The International Library of Critical Essays in the History of Philosophy. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing (2002).

“Nietzsche’s Concept of Ideology.” Theory and Society 13 (July 1984): 541‑565.  Reprinted in Friedrich Nietzsche. Edited by Tracy Strong. International Library of Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing (2009).

“Nietzsche I pojam ideologije.” Theoria 27 (January‑June 1984): 143‑156.  Translated into Croatian by Bogoljub Mazic.

“Comment on Terence Ball, ‘Marx and Darwin:  A Reconsideration.’“ Political Theory 9 (May, 1981): 260‑263.

Review Essays

“Democracy and Distrust”, symposium review essay on Counter-Democracy: Politics in an Age of Distrust by Pierre Rosanvallon. Perspectives on Politics 8 (August 2010), 892-95.

“Beyond the Self-Legislation Model of Democracy,” a refereed review essay on Democracy Across Borders: From Demos to Demoi, by James Bohman. Ethics & Global Politics 3: 1 (January 2010):  47-54.

“Radical Democracy and Radical Institutions,” a review essay on Radical Democracy by C. Douglas Lummis. The Good Society  8 (Winter, 1998): 45-48.

“Political Readings of Nietzsche,” a review essay on An Introduction to Nietzsche as Political Thinker by Keith Ansell-Pearson, Nietzsche: The Ethics of an Immoralist, by Peter Berkowitz, and Nietzsche’s Genealogies by Randall Havas. Political Theory 26 February 1998): 90-111.

Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity by Richard Rorty.  History of the Human Sciences 3 (February, 1990): 118-22.

Nietzsche’s Teaching by Laurence Lampert.  Political Theory 16 (August 1988) 506-510.

“The Use and Abuse of Nietzsche.” Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 4 (Winter 1980): 147‑67.

“Cheap Thrills in the Late Seventies.” Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 1 (Spring‑Summer 1977): 120‑34. (review essay on recent trends in popular psychology).

Book Reviews

Foundations and Frontiers of Deliberative Governance, by John Dryzek, with Simon Niemeyer.  Acta Poltiica, 2011, 288-231.                      

The Concept of Constituency: Political Legitimacy, Democratic Representation, and Institutional Design by Andrew Rehfeld. Ethics ().

Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy by Michael Johnston. Political Studies (). Booknote.

Politics and Vision: Continuity and Innovation in Western Political Thought, Expanded Edition, by Sheldon S. Wolin, Political Theory (October 2006).

Inclusion and Democracy by Iris Marion Young, Ethics (April 2002).

Free Public Reason: Making it Up As We Go by Fred D’Agostino.  American Political Science Review 91 (September 1997): 718-719.

Politics, Theory, and Contemporary Culture edited by Mark Poster, and Postmodern Contentions:  Epochs, Politics, Space edited by John Paul Jones III, Wolfgang Natter, and Theodore R. Schatzki.  American Political Science Review 88 (September, 1994).

The Self in Social Theory by C. Fred Alford.  American Political Science Review 87 (March, 1993): 195-96.

Tragedy and Denial:  The Politics of Difference in Western Political Thought.  By Michael Brint.  Ethics 103 (April, 1993): 613.

The Idea of Political Theory:  Reflections on the Self in Political Time and Place.  By Tracy B. Strong.  American Political Science Review 86 (June, 1992): 517-18.

The Politics of Being:  The Political Thought of Martin Heidegger by Richard Wolin.  Journal of Politics 53 (May, 1992).

Political Returns:  Irony in Politics and Theory from Plato to the Antinuclear Movement.  By John Seery.  Ethics 102 (January, 1992): 425.

The Good Society.  By Robert N. Bellah, Richard Madsen, William M. Sullivan, Ann Swidler, and Steven M. Tipton.  Political Economy of the Good Society Newsletter 2 (Winter, 1992): 20-21.

Nietzsche and the Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism by Bruce Detwiler.  Journal of Politics 53 (August, 1991): 903-7.

Marxism and Social Democracy:  The Revisionist Debate 1896-1898 edited by H. Tudor and J. M. Tudor, and Marx:  A Radical Critique by Alan Carter, American Political Science Review 83 (September 1989): 1007-8.

On Diplomacy by James Der Derian.  Journal of Politics 51 (February 1989):  208-11.

The Longing for Total Revolution:  Philosophic Sources of Social Discontent from Rousseau to Marx and Nietzsche by Bernard Yack. American Political Science Review, 81 (December 1987): 1355-1356.

Marx’s Critique of Politics:  1842‑1847 by Gary Teeple.  American Political Science Review 80 (March 1986).

After Marx, edited by Terence Ball and James Farr.  American Political Science Review 79 (March 1985): 276‑277.

Mark Warren

phone 604 822 4355
location_on Buchanan C421


Mark E. Warren joined the Department of Political Science University of British Columbia in 2004. As the holder of the Merilees Chair for the Study of Democracy, Warren was charged with establishing the Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions in the Faculty of Arts, which he directed from 2004-2007. Warren received his B.A. from Lewis and Clark College, and his M.A and Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. He came to UBC from the Department of Government at Georgetown University, where he co-founded the Center for Democracy and the Third Sector. He taught previously at Northwestern University and Rice University.

Warren’s current research interests fall within the field of democratic theory. He is especially interested in new forms of citizen participation, new forms of democratic representation, the relationship between civil society and democratic governance, and the corruption of democratic relationships. He is author of Democracy and Association (Princeton University Press, 2001), and editor of Democracy and Trust (Cambridge University Press, 1999). Democracy and Association was the 2003 winner of the Elaine and David Spitz Book Prize for Democracy and Association, awarded by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought, and also received the 2003 Outstanding Book Award from the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). Warren has published many book chapters in the areas of democratic theory and continental political thought, and has published numerous articles in journals such as the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, and Political Theory.

Warren currently directs a SSHRC-funded Partnership project entitled Participedia (, which uses a web-based platform to collect data about democratic innovation and participatory governance around the world. Participedia is building the data infrastructure for the emerging field of democratic innovations, as well as serve as a resource for governments, democracy practitioners and advocates.”



The Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy. Edited with Andre Bachtiger, John Dryzek, and Jane Mansbridge. Oxford University Press. 2018.

Designing Deliberative Democracy: The BC Citizens’ Assembly.  Edited with Hilary Pearse. 2008. Cambridge University Press.

Democracy and Association. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001. 2003 winner of the Elaine and David Spitz Book Prize, awarded by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought. 2003 Outstanding Book Award, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA).

Democracy and Trust. Edited, with introduction, one chapter, and conclusion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 

Nietzsche and Political Thought. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1988. Paperback edition, 1991; second printing, 1991. Portions reprinted in Political Theory:  Classic Writings with Contemporary Views, edited by Joseph Losco and Leonard Williams.  New York:  St. Martins Press, 1991.

Articles and Book Chapters

“Citizens Assemblies.” With Antonin Lacelle-Webster. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).

“Participatory Deliberative Democracy in Complex Mass Societies.” Journal of Deliberative 16:2, pp. 81-88. DOI:

“Can Meritocracy Replace Democracy? A Conceptual Framework.” With Baogang He. Philosophy and Social Criticism (August 2020: 0191453720948388).

“Authoritarian and Democratic Pathways to Meritocracy in China.” With Baogang He. In Deparochializing Political Theory. Edited by Melissa Williams. Cambridge University Press (April 2020), 174-200.

“What Can Deliberative Minipublics Contribute to Democratic Systems?” With Edana Beauvais. European Journal of Political Research 58:3, 893-914 (August 2019).

“The Crisis of Democracy and the Science of Deliberation.” With André Bächtiger (lead author), John S. Dryzek (lead author), Simone Chambers, Joshua Cohen, James Druckmann, Andrea Fellicetti, James Fishkin, David Farrell, Archon Fung, Amy Gutmann, Hélène Landemore, Jane Mansbridge, Sofie Marien, Michael Neblo, Simon Niemeyer, Maija Setälä, Rune Slothuus, Jane Suiter, and Dennis Thompson. Science 363: 6432 (March 15, 2019), 1144-1146.

“Rethinking Democratic Representation: Eight Theoretical Issues and a Post-script.” With Dario Castiglione. In The Constructivist Turn in Political Representation. Edited by Lisa Disch, Nadia Urbinati, and Mathijs van de Sande. University of Edinburgh Press (January 2019), 21-47.

“How Representation Enables Democratic Citizenship.” In Creating Political Presence: The New Politics of Democratic Representation. Edited by Dario Castiglione and Johannes Pollak. University of Chicago Press (January 2019), 39-60.

“Deliberative Democracy: An Introduction.” With Andre Bächtiger, John Dryzek, and Jane Mansbridge. In the Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy. Oxford University Press (September 2018), 1-31.

“Democratizing Governance Through Countervailing Power.” With Spencer McKay. In Handbook on Participatory Governance. Edited by Hubert Heinelt. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. (March 2018), 77-93.

“Beyond the Self-Legislation Model of Democracy: James Bohman’s Approach to Democratic Theory.” Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48:2, 237–246 (March 2018).

“Trust and Democracy.” In The Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust. Edited by Eric Uslaner. Oxford University Press, 75-94 (December 2017).

“Authoritarian Deliberation in China.” With Baogang He. Daedalus 146:3, 155-66 (Summer 2017).

“Can Proportional Representation Lead to Better Political System Performance?” In Should We Change How We Vote?. Edited by Andrew Potter, Daniel Weinstock, and Peter Loewen. McGill-Queens University Press (forthcoming).

“Authoritarian Deliberation in China.” With Baogang He. Daedalus (forthcoming).

“A Problem-Based Approach to Democratic Theory.” American Political Science Review 111:1 (February 2017).

“What Kinds of Trust Does a Democracy Need?  Trust From the Perspective of Democratic Theory.” In the Handbook of Political Trust. Edited by Sonja Zmerli and Tom van der Meer. Cheltenham Glos (UK): Edward Elgar Publishing (January 2017).

“When is Deliberation Democratic?” With David Moscrop. Journal of Public Deliberation 12:2, article 4 (October 2016).

“Can We Make Public Spheres More Democratic Through Institutional Innovation?” In The Democratic Public Sphere: Current Challenges and Prospects. Edited by Henrik Kaare Nielsen et al. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press (August 2016), 29-50.

“Can Deliberative Minipublics Address the Cognitive Challenges of Democratic Citizenship?” With John Gastil. Journal of Politics 77 (2): 562-74 (April 2015).

“Deliberative Negotiation.” Coauthored with Jane Mansbridge, with contributions from with André Bächtiger, Maxwell A. Cameron, Simone Chambers, John Ferejohn, Alan Jacobs, Jack Knight, Daniel Naurin, Melissa Schwartzberg, Yael Tamir, Dennis Thompson, and Melissa Williams. In Negotiating Agreement in Politics. Edited by Cathie Jo Martin and Jane Mansbridge. American Political Science Association. Republished as Political Negotiation: A Handbook, Brookings Institution Press (December 2015), 141-96.

“The Meaning of Corruption in Democracies.” In The Routledge Handbook of Political Corruption. Edited by Paul Heywood. Oxford: Routledge (January 2015), 42-55.

“Accountability and Democracy.” In Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability. Edited by Mark Bovens, Robert E. Goodin, and Thomas Schillemans. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 39-53 (June 2014).

“Deliberative Democracy and Framing Effects: Why Frames are a Problem and How Deliberative Minipublics Might Overcome Them.” With Aubin Calvert. In Deliberative Minipublics: Involving Citizens in the Democratic Process. Edited by Kimmo Grönlund, André Bächtiger, and Maija Setälä. (Colchester, UK: ECPR Press and New York: Columbia University Press, 203-224 (May 2014).

“Governance-Driven Democratization.” In Practices of Freedom: Democracy, Conflict and Participation in Decentred Governance. Edited by Steven Griggs, Aletta Norval, and Hendrik Wagenaar. Cambridge University Press, 38-59 (April 2014).

“A Democratic Case for Comparative Political Theory.” With Melissa Williams. Political Theory, 42: 1, 26-57 (February 2014).

“Polling and Democracy: Executive Summary of the Aapor Task Force on Public Opinion and Leadership. Lead authors: Frank Newport and Robert Y. Shapiro. With Whit Ayres; Nancy Belden; James Fishkin; Archon Fung; Susan Herbst; Celinda Lake; Benjamin Page; Susan Page; James P. Pinkerton; and J. Ann Selzer. Public Opinion Quarterly 77:4, 853-860 (December 2013).

“Citizen Representatives.” In Representation: Elections and Beyond. Edited by Jack Nagel and Rogers Smith. College Station: Pennsylvania State University Press. July 2013, 269-294.

“Democracy and the Everyday Origins of Fairness.” In An Exploration of Fairness. Edited by Janis Sara. Toronto: Carswell, January 2013, 1-13.

“Supplementary Democracy? Democratic Deficits and Citizens’ Assemblies.” Co-authored with Amy Lang. In Imperfect Democracies. Edited by Patti Lenard and Richard Simeon. University of British Columbia Press. 2012, 291-314.

Preface to New Institutions for Participatory Democracy in Latin America. Edited by Maxwell A. Cameron, Eric Hershberg, and Kenneth Sharpe. Palgrave-MacMillan. November 2012.

“Research and Practice in Public Deliberation: The Next Wave.” With Julia Abelson and Pierre-Gerlier Forest (second author). The Hastings Center.  December 2012.

“Two Trust-Based Uses of Minipublics in Democratic Systems.” With Michael K. Mackenzie. In Deliberative Systems. Edited by Jane Mansbridge and John Parkinson. Cambridge University Press, September 2012, 95-124.

“A Systemic Approach to Deliberative Democracy.” Principal author, Jane Mansbridge; coauthored with James Bohman, Simone Chambers, Tom Christiano, Archon Fung, John Parkinson, and Dennis Thompson. In The Deliberative System. Edited by Jane Mansbridge and John Parkinson. Cambridge University Press. September 2012, 1-26.

“Voting with Your Feet: Exit-Based Empowerment in Democratic Theory.” American Political Science Review: 105:4 (November 2011): 683-701.

“The Participedia Project: An Introduction.” With Archon Fung. International Public Management Journal 14:3 (November 2011), 1–22.

“Civil Society and the Deepening of Democracy.” In The Oxford Handbook of Civil Society. Edited by Michael Edwards. Oxford University Press, 377-90. September 2011.

“Democracy.” In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Thought. Edited by George Klosko. Oxford University Press, 517-29. July 2011.

“Authoritarian Deliberation: The Deliberative Turn in Chinese Political Development.” Co-authored with Baogang He. Perspectives on Politics 9:2 (June 2011), 269-89.  Reprinted in Essential Readings in Comparative Politics, 4th Edition. Edited by Patrick O’Neil and Ronald Rogowski. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012. Reprinted in Speech and Society. Edited by Monroe Price (Need publication details, 2016)

“The British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly.” With Archon Fung. Bertelsmann Foundation, May 2011.

Que Tipo de Confianza Necesita una Democracia? In Etica en Democracia para Mesoamerica. Edited by Claire A. Poulin and Xavier Landes. San Salavador: Embassy of Canada. July 2010.

“Is Low Trust in Political Institutions a Problem of Corruption?” In Political Corruption in America. Edited by Michael Genovese. Cambria Press: 37-64. 2009.

“Citizen Participation and Democratic Deficits: Considerations from the Perspective of Democratic Theory.” In Activating the Citizen; Dilemmas of Participation in Europe and Canada. Edited by Joan DeBardeleben and Jon Pammett. Palgave MacMillan: 17-40.  2009.

“Governance-Driven Democratization.” Critical Policy Analysis 3:1 (April 2009): 3-13.

“Deliberation under Non-Ideal Conditions: A Response to Lenard and Adler.” Journal of Social Philosophy 39:4 (November 2008): 656-65.

With Nadia Urbinati. “The Concept of  Representation in Contemporary Democratic Theory.” Annual Review of Political Science 11 (2008): 387-412.

“The Nature and Logic of Bad Social Capital.” In The Oxford Handbook of Social Capital. Edited by Dario Castiglione and Jan Van Deth. Oxford University Press: 122-49.  2008.

“Introduction: Democratic Renewal and Deliberative Democracy.” With Hilary Pearse. In Designing Deliberative Democracy: The British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly. Edited by Mark Warren and Hilary Pearse. Cambridge University Press, 1-19. 2008.

“Citizen Representatives.” In Designing Deliberative Democracy: The British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly. Edited by Mark Warren and Hilary Pearse. Cambridge University Press, 50-69. 2008.

“Institutionalizing Deliberative Democracy.” In Can the People Govern? Deliberation, Participation, and Democracy. Edited by Shawn Rosenberg. Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan 2007, 272-88.

“Should We Trust Them? In a democracy, it’s more important to believe politicians than to believe in them.” In Character. May 2007.

“Corruption as Duplicitous Exclusion.” PS: Political Science and Politics 34:4 (October 2006): 803-007

“What Should and Should Not Be Said: Deliberating Sensitive Issues.” Journal of Social Philosophy 37:2 (Summer 2006): 165-183.

“Democracy and the State.” In The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. Edited by John Dryzek, Bonnie Honig, and Anne Phillips (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), 382-399.

“Democracy and Deceit: Regulating Appearances of Corruption.” American Journal of Political Science 50:1 (January 2006): 160-174.

“La Democracia Contra la Corrupción.” Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales 48: 193 (January-March 2005): 109-139.

“The Transformation of Democratic Representation.” With Dario Castiglione. Democracy and Society, Fall 2004, pp. 5, 20-22. Reprinted in The Library of Contemporary Essays in Governance and Political Theory. Edited by Christopher Lord, Johannes Pollak, Rainer Baubock, Richard Bellamy and Joseph Lacy (London: Routledge, December 2016).

“Social Capital and Corruption” Democracy and Society, Spring 2004, pp. 1, 16-18.

“Informal Representation: Who Speaks for Whom?” Democracy and Society, Spring 2004, pp. 8, 15.

“What Kind of Civil Society is Best for Democracy?” Portuguese Journal of Social Science 3:1 (2004): 37-47.

“What Does Corruption Mean in a Democracy?” American Journal of Political Science, 48:2 (April 2004): 327-342. Reprinted in Public Ethics, edited by Richard Bellamy and Antonino Palumbo (London: Ashgate Publishing, 2010), and Public Sector Corruption, edited by Michael Johnston (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing, 2010).

“Trust in Democratic Institutions,” in Trust: Cement of Democracy. Edited by Frank Ankersmit and Henk te Velde. Leuven: Peeters, 2004, 49-69.

“What is the Role of Nonprofits in a Democracy?” Society 40:4 (May/June 2003), 46-51. Reprinted with revisions as “What is the Political Role of Nonprofits in a Democracy,” in In Search of the Nonprofit Sector. Edited by Peter Frumkin and Jonathan Imber. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2004, 37-49.

“What Can Democratic Participation Mean Today?” Political Theory 30 (October 2002): 678-702. Reprinted, with revisions, in Representation and Democratic Theory. Edited by David Laycock. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2004, 197-219.

“A Second Transformation of Democracy?” In Democracy Transformed: Expanding Political Opportunities in Advanced Industrial Democracies. Edited by Bruce Cain, Russell Dalton, and Susan Scarrow. Oxford University Press, 2003, 223-249.

“Deliberative Democracy.” In Democratic Theory Today. Edited by Geoffrey Stokes and April Carter. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2002, 173-202.

“Comments on Stephen White’s Sustaining Affirmation: Weak Ontology in Political Theory,Theory and Event (June, 2000).

“Democratic Theory and Trust.” In Democracy and Trust. Edited by Mark E. Warren. Cambridge University Press, 1999, 310-345.

“What is Political?” Journal of Theoretical Politics 11 (April, 1999): 207-231.

“Reply to Ruth Abbey and Fredrick Appel,” Political Theory 27 (February, 1999): 126-130.

“Nietzsche and the Political,” New Nietzsche Studies, 2 (Fall/Winter, 1997): 37-57.

“What Should We Expect From More Democracy? Radically Democratic Responses to Politics,” Political Theory 24 (May, 1996): 241-70.

“Deliberative Democracy and Authority,” American Political Science Review 90 (March, 1996): 46-60.

“When Does Reason Become Power?:  Nietzsche and Weber.”  In Max Weber and the Barbarism of Reason.  Edited by Asher Horowitz and Terry Maley. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995: 68-96.

“The Self in Discursive Democracy.”  In The Cambridge Companion to Habermas.  Edited by Stephen K. White. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995: 167-20.

“Nonfoundationalism and Democratic Judgment,” Current Perspectives in Social Theory 14 (1994): 151-182.

“Democracy and Difference,” Newsletter of the Committee on the Political Economy of the Good Society 4 (Summer, 1994): 1, 3-7.

“Can Participatory Democracy Produce Better Selves?  Psychological Dimensions of Habermas’s Discursive Model of Democracy.”  Political Psychology 14 (June, 1993): 209-234.

“Response to Robert Bellah,” Political Economy of the Good Society Newsletter 2 (Summer, 1992): 13-14.

“Max Weber’s Nietzschean Conception of Power.”  History of the Human Sciences 5 (August, 1992): 19-37; reprinted as Politics and Modernity, edited by Irving Velody and Robin Williams (London:  Sage, 1993).

“Democratic Theory and Self-Transformation.”  American Political Science Review 86 (March, 1992): 8-23.

“Ideology and the Self.”  Theory and Society, 19 (October 1990): 599-634.

“Liberal Constitutionalism as Ideology:  Marx and Habermas.” Political Theory 17 (November, 1989): 511-534.

“What is Political Theory/Philosophy?” PS 22 (September, 1989): 606-612.

“Marx and Methodological Individualism.”  Philosophy of the Social Sciences 18 (December 1988), 447-476; revised and reprinted in Rational Choice Marxism:  Assessments, edited by Terrell Carver and Paul Thomas. London: Macmillan, and University Park, PA: Pennsylvania University Press, 1995.

“Max Weber’s Liberalism for a Nietzschean World.”  American Political Science Review 82 (March 1988): 31-50; reprinted in Max Weber and the Fate of Politics, edited by Peter Lassman and Irving Velody. Routledge (2005); reprinted in Max Weber, edited by Peter Lassman. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing (2006).

“The Marx-Darwin Question:  Implications for the Critical Aspects of Marx’s Social Theory.” International Sociology, 2 (September 1987): 251-269.

“Interpreting Nietzsche:  A Reply to Alan Woolfolk.”  Political Theory 14, (November 1986): 660-666.

“The Politics of Nietzsche’s Philosophy:  Nihilism, Culture, and Power.” Political Studies 33 (September 1985): 418‑438.

“Nietzsche and Political Philosophy.” Political Theory 13 (May 1985): 183‑212. Reprinted in Critical Assessments: Friedrich Nietzsche. Edited by Daniel Conway. Routledge (1999). Reprinted in Nietzsche. Edited by Richard White. The International Library of Critical Essays in the History of Philosophy. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing (2002).

“Nietzsche’s Concept of Ideology.” Theory and Society 13 (July 1984): 541‑565.  Reprinted in Friedrich Nietzsche. Edited by Tracy Strong. International Library of Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing (2009).

“Nietzsche I pojam ideologije.” Theoria 27 (January‑June 1984): 143‑156.  Translated into Croatian by Bogoljub Mazic.

“Comment on Terence Ball, ‘Marx and Darwin:  A Reconsideration.’“ Political Theory 9 (May, 1981): 260‑263.

Review Essays

“Democracy and Distrust”, symposium review essay on Counter-Democracy: Politics in an Age of Distrust by Pierre Rosanvallon. Perspectives on Politics 8 (August 2010), 892-95.

“Beyond the Self-Legislation Model of Democracy,” a refereed review essay on Democracy Across Borders: From Demos to Demoi, by James Bohman. Ethics & Global Politics 3: 1 (January 2010):  47-54.

“Radical Democracy and Radical Institutions,” a review essay on Radical Democracy by C. Douglas Lummis. The Good Society  8 (Winter, 1998): 45-48.

“Political Readings of Nietzsche,” a review essay on An Introduction to Nietzsche as Political Thinker by Keith Ansell-Pearson, Nietzsche: The Ethics of an Immoralist, by Peter Berkowitz, and Nietzsche’s Genealogies by Randall Havas. Political Theory 26 February 1998): 90-111.

Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity by Richard Rorty.  History of the Human Sciences 3 (February, 1990): 118-22.

Nietzsche’s Teaching by Laurence Lampert.  Political Theory 16 (August 1988) 506-510.

“The Use and Abuse of Nietzsche.” Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 4 (Winter 1980): 147‑67.

“Cheap Thrills in the Late Seventies.” Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 1 (Spring‑Summer 1977): 120‑34. (review essay on recent trends in popular psychology).

Book Reviews

Foundations and Frontiers of Deliberative Governance, by John Dryzek, with Simon Niemeyer.  Acta Poltiica, 2011, 288-231.                      

The Concept of Constituency: Political Legitimacy, Democratic Representation, and Institutional Design by Andrew Rehfeld. Ethics ().

Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy by Michael Johnston. Political Studies (). Booknote.

Politics and Vision: Continuity and Innovation in Western Political Thought, Expanded Edition, by Sheldon S. Wolin, Political Theory (October 2006).

Inclusion and Democracy by Iris Marion Young, Ethics (April 2002).

Free Public Reason: Making it Up As We Go by Fred D’Agostino.  American Political Science Review 91 (September 1997): 718-719.

Politics, Theory, and Contemporary Culture edited by Mark Poster, and Postmodern Contentions:  Epochs, Politics, Space edited by John Paul Jones III, Wolfgang Natter, and Theodore R. Schatzki.  American Political Science Review 88 (September, 1994).

The Self in Social Theory by C. Fred Alford.  American Political Science Review 87 (March, 1993): 195-96.

Tragedy and Denial:  The Politics of Difference in Western Political Thought.  By Michael Brint.  Ethics 103 (April, 1993): 613.

The Idea of Political Theory:  Reflections on the Self in Political Time and Place.  By Tracy B. Strong.  American Political Science Review 86 (June, 1992): 517-18.

The Politics of Being:  The Political Thought of Martin Heidegger by Richard Wolin.  Journal of Politics 53 (May, 1992).

Political Returns:  Irony in Politics and Theory from Plato to the Antinuclear Movement.  By John Seery.  Ethics 102 (January, 1992): 425.

The Good Society.  By Robert N. Bellah, Richard Madsen, William M. Sullivan, Ann Swidler, and Steven M. Tipton.  Political Economy of the Good Society Newsletter 2 (Winter, 1992): 20-21.

Nietzsche and the Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism by Bruce Detwiler.  Journal of Politics 53 (August, 1991): 903-7.

Marxism and Social Democracy:  The Revisionist Debate 1896-1898 edited by H. Tudor and J. M. Tudor, and Marx:  A Radical Critique by Alan Carter, American Political Science Review 83 (September 1989): 1007-8.

On Diplomacy by James Der Derian.  Journal of Politics 51 (February 1989):  208-11.

The Longing for Total Revolution:  Philosophic Sources of Social Discontent from Rousseau to Marx and Nietzsche by Bernard Yack. American Political Science Review, 81 (December 1987): 1355-1356.

Marx’s Critique of Politics:  1842‑1847 by Gary Teeple.  American Political Science Review 80 (March 1986).

After Marx, edited by Terence Ball and James Farr.  American Political Science Review 79 (March 1985): 276‑277.

Mark Warren

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About keyboard_arrow_down

Mark E. Warren joined the Department of Political Science University of British Columbia in 2004. As the holder of the Merilees Chair for the Study of Democracy, Warren was charged with establishing the Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions in the Faculty of Arts, which he directed from 2004-2007. Warren received his B.A. from Lewis and Clark College, and his M.A and Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. He came to UBC from the Department of Government at Georgetown University, where he co-founded the Center for Democracy and the Third Sector. He taught previously at Northwestern University and Rice University.

Warren’s current research interests fall within the field of democratic theory. He is especially interested in new forms of citizen participation, new forms of democratic representation, the relationship between civil society and democratic governance, and the corruption of democratic relationships. He is author of Democracy and Association (Princeton University Press, 2001), and editor of Democracy and Trust (Cambridge University Press, 1999). Democracy and Association was the 2003 winner of the Elaine and David Spitz Book Prize for Democracy and Association, awarded by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought, and also received the 2003 Outstanding Book Award from the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). Warren has published many book chapters in the areas of democratic theory and continental political thought, and has published numerous articles in journals such as the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, and Political Theory.

Warren currently directs a SSHRC-funded Partnership project entitled Participedia (, which uses a web-based platform to collect data about democratic innovation and participatory governance around the world. Participedia is building the data infrastructure for the emerging field of democratic innovations, as well as serve as a resource for governments, democracy practitioners and advocates.”

Publications keyboard_arrow_down


The Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy. Edited with Andre Bachtiger, John Dryzek, and Jane Mansbridge. Oxford University Press. 2018.

Designing Deliberative Democracy: The BC Citizens’ Assembly.  Edited with Hilary Pearse. 2008. Cambridge University Press.

Democracy and Association. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001. 2003 winner of the Elaine and David Spitz Book Prize, awarded by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought. 2003 Outstanding Book Award, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA).

Democracy and Trust. Edited, with introduction, one chapter, and conclusion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 

Nietzsche and Political Thought. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1988. Paperback edition, 1991; second printing, 1991. Portions reprinted in Political Theory:  Classic Writings with Contemporary Views, edited by Joseph Losco and Leonard Williams.  New York:  St. Martins Press, 1991.

Articles and Book Chapters

“Citizens Assemblies.” With Antonin Lacelle-Webster. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).

“Participatory Deliberative Democracy in Complex Mass Societies.” Journal of Deliberative 16:2, pp. 81-88. DOI:

“Can Meritocracy Replace Democracy? A Conceptual Framework.” With Baogang He. Philosophy and Social Criticism (August 2020: 0191453720948388).

“Authoritarian and Democratic Pathways to Meritocracy in China.” With Baogang He. In Deparochializing Political Theory. Edited by Melissa Williams. Cambridge University Press (April 2020), 174-200.

“What Can Deliberative Minipublics Contribute to Democratic Systems?” With Edana Beauvais. European Journal of Political Research 58:3, 893-914 (August 2019).

“The Crisis of Democracy and the Science of Deliberation.” With André Bächtiger (lead author), John S. Dryzek (lead author), Simone Chambers, Joshua Cohen, James Druckmann, Andrea Fellicetti, James Fishkin, David Farrell, Archon Fung, Amy Gutmann, Hélène Landemore, Jane Mansbridge, Sofie Marien, Michael Neblo, Simon Niemeyer, Maija Setälä, Rune Slothuus, Jane Suiter, and Dennis Thompson. Science 363: 6432 (March 15, 2019), 1144-1146.

“Rethinking Democratic Representation: Eight Theoretical Issues and a Post-script.” With Dario Castiglione. In The Constructivist Turn in Political Representation. Edited by Lisa Disch, Nadia Urbinati, and Mathijs van de Sande. University of Edinburgh Press (January 2019), 21-47.

“How Representation Enables Democratic Citizenship.” In Creating Political Presence: The New Politics of Democratic Representation. Edited by Dario Castiglione and Johannes Pollak. University of Chicago Press (January 2019), 39-60.

“Deliberative Democracy: An Introduction.” With Andre Bächtiger, John Dryzek, and Jane Mansbridge. In the Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy. Oxford University Press (September 2018), 1-31.

“Democratizing Governance Through Countervailing Power.” With Spencer McKay. In Handbook on Participatory Governance. Edited by Hubert Heinelt. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. (March 2018), 77-93.

“Beyond the Self-Legislation Model of Democracy: James Bohman’s Approach to Democratic Theory.” Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48:2, 237–246 (March 2018).

“Trust and Democracy.” In The Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust. Edited by Eric Uslaner. Oxford University Press, 75-94 (December 2017).

“Authoritarian Deliberation in China.” With Baogang He. Daedalus 146:3, 155-66 (Summer 2017).

“Can Proportional Representation Lead to Better Political System Performance?” In Should We Change How We Vote?. Edited by Andrew Potter, Daniel Weinstock, and Peter Loewen. McGill-Queens University Press (forthcoming).

“Authoritarian Deliberation in China.” With Baogang He. Daedalus (forthcoming).

“A Problem-Based Approach to Democratic Theory.” American Political Science Review 111:1 (February 2017).

“What Kinds of Trust Does a Democracy Need?  Trust From the Perspective of Democratic Theory.” In the Handbook of Political Trust. Edited by Sonja Zmerli and Tom van der Meer. Cheltenham Glos (UK): Edward Elgar Publishing (January 2017).

“When is Deliberation Democratic?” With David Moscrop. Journal of Public Deliberation 12:2, article 4 (October 2016).

“Can We Make Public Spheres More Democratic Through Institutional Innovation?” In The Democratic Public Sphere: Current Challenges and Prospects. Edited by Henrik Kaare Nielsen et al. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press (August 2016), 29-50.

“Can Deliberative Minipublics Address the Cognitive Challenges of Democratic Citizenship?” With John Gastil. Journal of Politics 77 (2): 562-74 (April 2015).

“Deliberative Negotiation.” Coauthored with Jane Mansbridge, with contributions from with André Bächtiger, Maxwell A. Cameron, Simone Chambers, John Ferejohn, Alan Jacobs, Jack Knight, Daniel Naurin, Melissa Schwartzberg, Yael Tamir, Dennis Thompson, and Melissa Williams. In Negotiating Agreement in Politics. Edited by Cathie Jo Martin and Jane Mansbridge. American Political Science Association. Republished as Political Negotiation: A Handbook, Brookings Institution Press (December 2015), 141-96.

“The Meaning of Corruption in Democracies.” In The Routledge Handbook of Political Corruption. Edited by Paul Heywood. Oxford: Routledge (January 2015), 42-55.

“Accountability and Democracy.” In Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability. Edited by Mark Bovens, Robert E. Goodin, and Thomas Schillemans. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 39-53 (June 2014).

“Deliberative Democracy and Framing Effects: Why Frames are a Problem and How Deliberative Minipublics Might Overcome Them.” With Aubin Calvert. In Deliberative Minipublics: Involving Citizens in the Democratic Process. Edited by Kimmo Grönlund, André Bächtiger, and Maija Setälä. (Colchester, UK: ECPR Press and New York: Columbia University Press, 203-224 (May 2014).

“Governance-Driven Democratization.” In Practices of Freedom: Democracy, Conflict and Participation in Decentred Governance. Edited by Steven Griggs, Aletta Norval, and Hendrik Wagenaar. Cambridge University Press, 38-59 (April 2014).

“A Democratic Case for Comparative Political Theory.” With Melissa Williams. Political Theory, 42: 1, 26-57 (February 2014).

“Polling and Democracy: Executive Summary of the Aapor Task Force on Public Opinion and Leadership. Lead authors: Frank Newport and Robert Y. Shapiro. With Whit Ayres; Nancy Belden; James Fishkin; Archon Fung; Susan Herbst; Celinda Lake; Benjamin Page; Susan Page; James P. Pinkerton; and J. Ann Selzer. Public Opinion Quarterly 77:4, 853-860 (December 2013).

“Citizen Representatives.” In Representation: Elections and Beyond. Edited by Jack Nagel and Rogers Smith. College Station: Pennsylvania State University Press. July 2013, 269-294.

“Democracy and the Everyday Origins of Fairness.” In An Exploration of Fairness. Edited by Janis Sara. Toronto: Carswell, January 2013, 1-13.

“Supplementary Democracy? Democratic Deficits and Citizens’ Assemblies.” Co-authored with Amy Lang. In Imperfect Democracies. Edited by Patti Lenard and Richard Simeon. University of British Columbia Press. 2012, 291-314.

Preface to New Institutions for Participatory Democracy in Latin America. Edited by Maxwell A. Cameron, Eric Hershberg, and Kenneth Sharpe. Palgrave-MacMillan. November 2012.

“Research and Practice in Public Deliberation: The Next Wave.” With Julia Abelson and Pierre-Gerlier Forest (second author). The Hastings Center.  December 2012.

“Two Trust-Based Uses of Minipublics in Democratic Systems.” With Michael K. Mackenzie. In Deliberative Systems. Edited by Jane Mansbridge and John Parkinson. Cambridge University Press, September 2012, 95-124.

“A Systemic Approach to Deliberative Democracy.” Principal author, Jane Mansbridge; coauthored with James Bohman, Simone Chambers, Tom Christiano, Archon Fung, John Parkinson, and Dennis Thompson. In The Deliberative System. Edited by Jane Mansbridge and John Parkinson. Cambridge University Press. September 2012, 1-26.

“Voting with Your Feet: Exit-Based Empowerment in Democratic Theory.” American Political Science Review: 105:4 (November 2011): 683-701.

“The Participedia Project: An Introduction.” With Archon Fung. International Public Management Journal 14:3 (November 2011), 1–22.

“Civil Society and the Deepening of Democracy.” In The Oxford Handbook of Civil Society. Edited by Michael Edwards. Oxford University Press, 377-90. September 2011.

“Democracy.” In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Thought. Edited by George Klosko. Oxford University Press, 517-29. July 2011.

“Authoritarian Deliberation: The Deliberative Turn in Chinese Political Development.” Co-authored with Baogang He. Perspectives on Politics 9:2 (June 2011), 269-89.  Reprinted in Essential Readings in Comparative Politics, 4th Edition. Edited by Patrick O’Neil and Ronald Rogowski. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012. Reprinted in Speech and Society. Edited by Monroe Price (Need publication details, 2016)

“The British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly.” With Archon Fung. Bertelsmann Foundation, May 2011.

Que Tipo de Confianza Necesita una Democracia? In Etica en Democracia para Mesoamerica. Edited by Claire A. Poulin and Xavier Landes. San Salavador: Embassy of Canada. July 2010.

“Is Low Trust in Political Institutions a Problem of Corruption?” In Political Corruption in America. Edited by Michael Genovese. Cambria Press: 37-64. 2009.

“Citizen Participation and Democratic Deficits: Considerations from the Perspective of Democratic Theory.” In Activating the Citizen; Dilemmas of Participation in Europe and Canada. Edited by Joan DeBardeleben and Jon Pammett. Palgave MacMillan: 17-40.  2009.

“Governance-Driven Democratization.” Critical Policy Analysis 3:1 (April 2009): 3-13.

“Deliberation under Non-Ideal Conditions: A Response to Lenard and Adler.” Journal of Social Philosophy 39:4 (November 2008): 656-65.

With Nadia Urbinati. “The Concept of  Representation in Contemporary Democratic Theory.” Annual Review of Political Science 11 (2008): 387-412.

“The Nature and Logic of Bad Social Capital.” In The Oxford Handbook of Social Capital. Edited by Dario Castiglione and Jan Van Deth. Oxford University Press: 122-49.  2008.

“Introduction: Democratic Renewal and Deliberative Democracy.” With Hilary Pearse. In Designing Deliberative Democracy: The British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly. Edited by Mark Warren and Hilary Pearse. Cambridge University Press, 1-19. 2008.

“Citizen Representatives.” In Designing Deliberative Democracy: The British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly. Edited by Mark Warren and Hilary Pearse. Cambridge University Press, 50-69. 2008.

“Institutionalizing Deliberative Democracy.” In Can the People Govern? Deliberation, Participation, and Democracy. Edited by Shawn Rosenberg. Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan 2007, 272-88.

“Should We Trust Them? In a democracy, it’s more important to believe politicians than to believe in them.” In Character. May 2007.

“Corruption as Duplicitous Exclusion.” PS: Political Science and Politics 34:4 (October 2006): 803-007

“What Should and Should Not Be Said: Deliberating Sensitive Issues.” Journal of Social Philosophy 37:2 (Summer 2006): 165-183.

“Democracy and the State.” In The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. Edited by John Dryzek, Bonnie Honig, and Anne Phillips (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), 382-399.

“Democracy and Deceit: Regulating Appearances of Corruption.” American Journal of Political Science 50:1 (January 2006): 160-174.

“La Democracia Contra la Corrupción.” Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales 48: 193 (January-March 2005): 109-139.

“The Transformation of Democratic Representation.” With Dario Castiglione. Democracy and Society, Fall 2004, pp. 5, 20-22. Reprinted in The Library of Contemporary Essays in Governance and Political Theory. Edited by Christopher Lord, Johannes Pollak, Rainer Baubock, Richard Bellamy and Joseph Lacy (London: Routledge, December 2016).

“Social Capital and Corruption” Democracy and Society, Spring 2004, pp. 1, 16-18.

“Informal Representation: Who Speaks for Whom?” Democracy and Society, Spring 2004, pp. 8, 15.

“What Kind of Civil Society is Best for Democracy?” Portuguese Journal of Social Science 3:1 (2004): 37-47.

“What Does Corruption Mean in a Democracy?” American Journal of Political Science, 48:2 (April 2004): 327-342. Reprinted in Public Ethics, edited by Richard Bellamy and Antonino Palumbo (London: Ashgate Publishing, 2010), and Public Sector Corruption, edited by Michael Johnston (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing, 2010).

“Trust in Democratic Institutions,” in Trust: Cement of Democracy. Edited by Frank Ankersmit and Henk te Velde. Leuven: Peeters, 2004, 49-69.

“What is the Role of Nonprofits in a Democracy?” Society 40:4 (May/June 2003), 46-51. Reprinted with revisions as “What is the Political Role of Nonprofits in a Democracy,” in In Search of the Nonprofit Sector. Edited by Peter Frumkin and Jonathan Imber. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2004, 37-49.

“What Can Democratic Participation Mean Today?” Political Theory 30 (October 2002): 678-702. Reprinted, with revisions, in Representation and Democratic Theory. Edited by David Laycock. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2004, 197-219.

“A Second Transformation of Democracy?” In Democracy Transformed: Expanding Political Opportunities in Advanced Industrial Democracies. Edited by Bruce Cain, Russell Dalton, and Susan Scarrow. Oxford University Press, 2003, 223-249.

“Deliberative Democracy.” In Democratic Theory Today. Edited by Geoffrey Stokes and April Carter. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2002, 173-202.

“Comments on Stephen White’s Sustaining Affirmation: Weak Ontology in Political Theory,Theory and Event (June, 2000).

“Democratic Theory and Trust.” In Democracy and Trust. Edited by Mark E. Warren. Cambridge University Press, 1999, 310-345.

“What is Political?” Journal of Theoretical Politics 11 (April, 1999): 207-231.

“Reply to Ruth Abbey and Fredrick Appel,” Political Theory 27 (February, 1999): 126-130.

“Nietzsche and the Political,” New Nietzsche Studies, 2 (Fall/Winter, 1997): 37-57.

“What Should We Expect From More Democracy? Radically Democratic Responses to Politics,” Political Theory 24 (May, 1996): 241-70.

“Deliberative Democracy and Authority,” American Political Science Review 90 (March, 1996): 46-60.

“When Does Reason Become Power?:  Nietzsche and Weber.”  In Max Weber and the Barbarism of Reason.  Edited by Asher Horowitz and Terry Maley. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995: 68-96.

“The Self in Discursive Democracy.”  In The Cambridge Companion to Habermas.  Edited by Stephen K. White. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995: 167-20.

“Nonfoundationalism and Democratic Judgment,” Current Perspectives in Social Theory 14 (1994): 151-182.

“Democracy and Difference,” Newsletter of the Committee on the Political Economy of the Good Society 4 (Summer, 1994): 1, 3-7.

“Can Participatory Democracy Produce Better Selves?  Psychological Dimensions of Habermas’s Discursive Model of Democracy.”  Political Psychology 14 (June, 1993): 209-234.

“Response to Robert Bellah,” Political Economy of the Good Society Newsletter 2 (Summer, 1992): 13-14.

“Max Weber’s Nietzschean Conception of Power.”  History of the Human Sciences 5 (August, 1992): 19-37; reprinted as Politics and Modernity, edited by Irving Velody and Robin Williams (London:  Sage, 1993).

“Democratic Theory and Self-Transformation.”  American Political Science Review 86 (March, 1992): 8-23.

“Ideology and the Self.”  Theory and Society, 19 (October 1990): 599-634.

“Liberal Constitutionalism as Ideology:  Marx and Habermas.” Political Theory 17 (November, 1989): 511-534.

“What is Political Theory/Philosophy?” PS 22 (September, 1989): 606-612.

“Marx and Methodological Individualism.”  Philosophy of the Social Sciences 18 (December 1988), 447-476; revised and reprinted in Rational Choice Marxism:  Assessments, edited by Terrell Carver and Paul Thomas. London: Macmillan, and University Park, PA: Pennsylvania University Press, 1995.

“Max Weber’s Liberalism for a Nietzschean World.”  American Political Science Review 82 (March 1988): 31-50; reprinted in Max Weber and the Fate of Politics, edited by Peter Lassman and Irving Velody. Routledge (2005); reprinted in Max Weber, edited by Peter Lassman. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing (2006).

“The Marx-Darwin Question:  Implications for the Critical Aspects of Marx’s Social Theory.” International Sociology, 2 (September 1987): 251-269.

“Interpreting Nietzsche:  A Reply to Alan Woolfolk.”  Political Theory 14, (November 1986): 660-666.

“The Politics of Nietzsche’s Philosophy:  Nihilism, Culture, and Power.” Political Studies 33 (September 1985): 418‑438.

“Nietzsche and Political Philosophy.” Political Theory 13 (May 1985): 183‑212. Reprinted in Critical Assessments: Friedrich Nietzsche. Edited by Daniel Conway. Routledge (1999). Reprinted in Nietzsche. Edited by Richard White. The International Library of Critical Essays in the History of Philosophy. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing (2002).

“Nietzsche’s Concept of Ideology.” Theory and Society 13 (July 1984): 541‑565.  Reprinted in Friedrich Nietzsche. Edited by Tracy Strong. International Library of Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing (2009).

“Nietzsche I pojam ideologije.” Theoria 27 (January‑June 1984): 143‑156.  Translated into Croatian by Bogoljub Mazic.

“Comment on Terence Ball, ‘Marx and Darwin:  A Reconsideration.’“ Political Theory 9 (May, 1981): 260‑263.

Review Essays

“Democracy and Distrust”, symposium review essay on Counter-Democracy: Politics in an Age of Distrust by Pierre Rosanvallon. Perspectives on Politics 8 (August 2010), 892-95.

“Beyond the Self-Legislation Model of Democracy,” a refereed review essay on Democracy Across Borders: From Demos to Demoi, by James Bohman. Ethics & Global Politics 3: 1 (January 2010):  47-54.

“Radical Democracy and Radical Institutions,” a review essay on Radical Democracy by C. Douglas Lummis. The Good Society  8 (Winter, 1998): 45-48.

“Political Readings of Nietzsche,” a review essay on An Introduction to Nietzsche as Political Thinker by Keith Ansell-Pearson, Nietzsche: The Ethics of an Immoralist, by Peter Berkowitz, and Nietzsche’s Genealogies by Randall Havas. Political Theory 26 February 1998): 90-111.

Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity by Richard Rorty.  History of the Human Sciences 3 (February, 1990): 118-22.

Nietzsche’s Teaching by Laurence Lampert.  Political Theory 16 (August 1988) 506-510.

“The Use and Abuse of Nietzsche.” Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 4 (Winter 1980): 147‑67.

“Cheap Thrills in the Late Seventies.” Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 1 (Spring‑Summer 1977): 120‑34. (review essay on recent trends in popular psychology).

Book Reviews

Foundations and Frontiers of Deliberative Governance, by John Dryzek, with Simon Niemeyer.  Acta Poltiica, 2011, 288-231.                      

The Concept of Constituency: Political Legitimacy, Democratic Representation, and Institutional Design by Andrew Rehfeld. Ethics ().

Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy by Michael Johnston. Political Studies (). Booknote.

Politics and Vision: Continuity and Innovation in Western Political Thought, Expanded Edition, by Sheldon S. Wolin, Political Theory (October 2006).

Inclusion and Democracy by Iris Marion Young, Ethics (April 2002).

Free Public Reason: Making it Up As We Go by Fred D’Agostino.  American Political Science Review 91 (September 1997): 718-719.

Politics, Theory, and Contemporary Culture edited by Mark Poster, and Postmodern Contentions:  Epochs, Politics, Space edited by John Paul Jones III, Wolfgang Natter, and Theodore R. Schatzki.  American Political Science Review 88 (September, 1994).

The Self in Social Theory by C. Fred Alford.  American Political Science Review 87 (March, 1993): 195-96.

Tragedy and Denial:  The Politics of Difference in Western Political Thought.  By Michael Brint.  Ethics 103 (April, 1993): 613.

The Idea of Political Theory:  Reflections on the Self in Political Time and Place.  By Tracy B. Strong.  American Political Science Review 86 (June, 1992): 517-18.

The Politics of Being:  The Political Thought of Martin Heidegger by Richard Wolin.  Journal of Politics 53 (May, 1992).

Political Returns:  Irony in Politics and Theory from Plato to the Antinuclear Movement.  By John Seery.  Ethics 102 (January, 1992): 425.

The Good Society.  By Robert N. Bellah, Richard Madsen, William M. Sullivan, Ann Swidler, and Steven M. Tipton.  Political Economy of the Good Society Newsletter 2 (Winter, 1992): 20-21.

Nietzsche and the Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism by Bruce Detwiler.  Journal of Politics 53 (August, 1991): 903-7.

Marxism and Social Democracy:  The Revisionist Debate 1896-1898 edited by H. Tudor and J. M. Tudor, and Marx:  A Radical Critique by Alan Carter, American Political Science Review 83 (September 1989): 1007-8.

On Diplomacy by James Der Derian.  Journal of Politics 51 (February 1989):  208-11.

The Longing for Total Revolution:  Philosophic Sources of Social Discontent from Rousseau to Marx and Nietzsche by Bernard Yack. American Political Science Review, 81 (December 1987): 1355-1356.

Marx’s Critique of Politics:  1842‑1847 by Gary Teeple.  American Political Science Review 80 (March 1986).

After Marx, edited by Terence Ball and James Farr.  American Political Science Review 79 (March 1985): 276‑277.