Please join us for a presentation of research by our Undergraduate Honours students.
8:50 am – 9:00 am Introduction
9:00 am – 10:30 am: Panel 1 – Conflict, Violence, and Pathways to Peace
- Vaishnavi Panchanadam – From Rhetoric to Practice: The Role of Domestic Women’s Civil Society Organizations in UNSCR 1325 Governance in Post-Conflict settings
- Yousif Elbeltagy – Water Weaponization within Civil Conflict
- Danilo Angulo Molina – The Deterrence Effect: An Analysis of Preliminary Examinations by the International Criminal Court on the Severity of Civilian Atrocities
- Charles Bate – Education and Civil Conflict Reoccurrence: Revisiting Pathways to Lasting Peace in Post-Conflict Societies
- Chair: Gyung-Ho Jeong
- Discussant: Joshua Weiner
10:30 am – 10:45 am: Break
10:45 am – 12:15 pm: Panel 2 – Public policy & institutions
- Miles Schaffrick – The Politics of Medicine Affordability in the United States: Strategies, Constraints, and Policy Outcomes
- Cassiopeia Van den bussche – Women’s Healthcare in Europe
- Bingjun Tang – The Effect of Party Strength on Education Spending in Authoritarian Regimes
- Hannah Stojicevic – How do exclusionary notions of state-sanctioned national identity and inclusive institutional realities construct the experience of citizenship of national minorities in Turkey?
- Chair: Isabel Chew
- Discussant: Henrik Jacobsen
12:15 pm – 1:00 pm: Lunch (RSVP required)
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm: Panel 3 – Social movements, the Media, and Political Rhetoric
- Isabella Preite – Measuring the effect of the Black Lives Matter Protests on Racial Bias in Policing
- Alexa Traboulay – How Does the Interaction Between Partisanship and Participation in Social Media Echo Chambers Shape Attitude Extremity?: A Case Study of Contemporary Immigration Attitudes in the United States
- Hailey Clarke – Does Economic Inequality Influence Populist Rhetoric?: A Comparative and Discursive Analysis of Daniel Ortega and Rafael Correa
- Charlotte Alden – Media coverage of the Vancouver Olympics: Testing the Growth Machine Theory’s take on local newspapers in a modern context
- Chair: Gyung-Ho Jeong
- Discussant: Paolo Sosa Villagarcia
2:30 pm – 2:45 pm: Break
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm: Panel 4 – Environmental politics, the global commons, & indigenous politics
- Premvir Samra – How does a country’s electoral system affect its environmental policymaking and performance?
- Karina Valcke-Beckett – Public Opinion and Provincial Resistance to Climate Policy in Canada’s Intergovernmental Arena
- Michelle Wei – Civil disobedience and the civic: When are blockades constructed by Indigenous nations successful?
- Charlotte Hook – Preventing the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’: Ratifications for Global Commons Treaties
- Chair: Isabel Chew
- Discussant: Leah Shipton