Yves Tiberghien (Ph.D. Stanford University, 2002; Harvard Academy Scholar 2006; Fulbright Scholar 1996) is a Professor of Political Science and Director Emeritus of the Institute of Asian Research at the University of British Columbia. He is also the Konwakai Chair in Japanese Research and Director of the Center for Japanese Research at UBC.
Yves is a Visiting Professor at the Taipei School of Economics and Political Science (National Tsinghua University, Taiwan) and an adjunct Chair Professor, International Doctoral Program in Asia-Pacific Studies (IDAS), National Chengchi University in Taipei.
Yves is a Distinguished Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada and a Senior Fellow at the University of Alberta’s China Institute. He is an International Steering Committee Member at Pacific Trade and Development Conference (PAFTAD) and a visiting professor at Sciences Po Paris. He has held other visiting positions at Tokyo University, GRIPS (Tokyo), and the Jakarta School of Public Policy (Indonesia).
In November 2017, he was made a Chevalier de l’ordre national du mérite by the French President.
His research focuses on the comparative political economy of East Asia and on global economic and environmental governance. His latest book is The East Asian Covid-19 Paradox (2021. Cambridge University Press, with post-2021 updates found here), to be soon followed by a second one, titled East Asia’s COVID Responses: Long-Term Lessons.
He is working on three other books, respectively titled The Hedgers: the Global South in A Transactional World (with Zaki Laidi), Up for Grabs: Disruption, Competition, and the Remaking of the Global Order and Navigating the Age of Disruption: Options in a Shifting Global Order. He is also leading a research project on the political economy of the twin industrial revolutions (digital/AI and green tech).
His previous books include Entrepreneurial States: Reforming Corporate Governance in France, Japan, and Korea (2007, Cornell University Press); L’Asie et le futur du monde (2012, Paris: Science Po Press); and Leadership in Global Institution-Building: Minerva’s Rule (2013, edited volume, Palgrave McMillan). In 2020, he edited an online collection of papers on Japan’s leadership in the Liberal International Order.
In 2023, he co-edited an online collection of short papers on the political economy of the twin industrial revolutions (AI and green tech) in Japan and East Asia. He has published articles and book chapters on the political economy of Japan and China, global governance, global climate change politics, and the governance of agricultural biotechnology.
Dr. Tiberghien co-founded the Vision 20 initiative in 2015, a new coalition of global scholars and policy-makers aiming at providing a long-term perspective on the challenges of global economic and environmental governance.
(Only refereed publications are listed here. For a complete list, please visit Yves Tiberghien’s web page.)
Tiberghien, Yves. 2007. Entrepreneurial States: Reforming Corporate Governance in France, Japan, and Korea. Cornell Studies in Political Economy (directed by Peter Katzenstein). Ithaca and London : Cornell University Press.
Tiberghien, Yves. In press, August 2012. L’Asie, le G20, et le future du Monde. Paris: Presses de Science Po. Collection Nouveaux Debats. [Book cover here]
Tiberghien, Yves, ed. 2013. Leadership in Global Institution Building: Minerva’s Rule. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics Series. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave McMillan. 301 pages.
- Chapter 1 (Yves Tiberghien): “Introduction: Minervian Actors and the Paradox of Post-1995 Global Institution Building” (pp. 1-22)
- Chapter 2 (Yves Tiberghien): “Varieties of Minervians: Scorecards and Patterns” (pp. 25-32)
- Chapter 15 (Yves Tiberghien): “Successes and Limits of the Minervian Moment” (pp. 260-269)
Books in progress
Tiberghien, Yves. The Global Battle over the Governance of Genetically-Engineered Food. (status: Submitted for review).
Tiberghien, Yves. China’s Role in Global Governance: G20, Climate Change, and Food Security. (status: Submitted for review).
Recently published journal articles
Tiberghien, Yves. 2017. “Fostering Bold and Innovative Ideas for Urgent Global Challenges: The V20 Contribution to the G20 during the China-German Transition.” Global Summitry: Politics, Economics and Law in International Governance. Oxford University Press. Vol. 3, No. 1. Pp. 1-18.
Tiberghien, Yves. 2014. “An Uncertain World: Rising Powers, Systemic Risk, and the Role of Institutions and Entrepreneurship: a Response to Brantly Womack’s ‘China’s Future in a Multinodal Order.” Pacific Affairs. Volume 87, No. 2. June 2014. Pp. 285-293.
Tiberghien, Yves and Niall Dugan. 2013 “Existing and Emerging Powers in the G20: the Case of East Asia.” Asien, the German Journal on Contemporary Asia. July (No 128). Pp 28-44.
Tiberghien, Yves and Hongcai Xu. 2013. “The G20’s Role in the Reform of the International Monetary System: Present Record, Potential, and Scenarios.” Global Summitry Journal. Vol1. Issue 1. June. http://globalsummitry.org/gsj/vol1/iss1/6/
Tiberghien, Yves. 2011. “La Chine face au grand jeu du G20 et de la gouvernance mondiale.” Revue Internationale de Politique Comparee. 18, no. 3: 95-122.
Tiberghien, Yves. 2010. “The Puzzling 2010 Diaoyutai/Senkaku Crisis:Centrifugal Domestic Politics, Shifting Balance of Power, and Weak Regional Institutionalization.” Harvard Asia Quarterly. Special Issue on Maritime Asia. Harvard University: Harvard Asia Center. Winter 2010. Volume XII, No. 3 & 4. Pp 70-78.
Tiberghien, Yves. 2011. “The political Consequences of Inequality in Japan.” Journal of Social Science (『社会科学研究』) 62, no. 1 (February): 77-99.
Tiberghien, Yves. 2009. “Transitional Competitive Governance and Agenda-Setting in the EU: the Battle over the Regulation of GMOs since the mid-1990s.” Journal of European Integration. 31. 3 (May): 389-407.
Tiberghien, Yves and Miranda Schreurs. 2007. “High Noon in Japan: Kyoto Protocol Politics and the Power of a Symbol.” Global Environmental Politics. 7.4 (November): 70 – 91.
Schreurs , Miranda and Yves Tiberghien. 2007. “Multi-Level: Explaining European Union Leadership in Climate Change Mitigation.” Global Environmental Politics. 7.4 (November): 19 – 46.
New/Just Out (April 2019): Co-authored V20 Blue Paper for 2019: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/1bfab0_1141546a09a74a5085b7b2ae2cf9cde0.pdf
Co-authored research blog on the Himalaya frontier lands of China: https://www.asiapacific.ca/blog/chinas-frontier-lands-apf-canada-blog-series
Graduate Supervision
Recently supervised
• (dissertation committee member): Bourbeau, Philippe. “A Study of Movement and Order: The Securitization of Migration in Canada and France.”
• (Ph.D. thesis completed in July 2008).
• (dissertation committee member): Tan, Netina. “Access to Power: Hegemonic Party Rule in Singapore and Taiwan.” (Ph.D. thesis completed in 2011).
Currently supervising
• (dissertation committee member): Freeman, Julia. Field: Comparative GMO politics. (2007-present).
• (main supervisor): Feditchkina, Elena. Field: Comparative political economy, Russia, EU and Canada (2006-present)
• (main supervisor): Kalicki, Konrad. Field: Comparative identity politics, Poland and Japan (2008-present).
• (main supervisor): Massot, Pascale. Field: Chinese politics (2009-present).
• (committee member): Hawkins, Alice. Field: Comparative GMO politics (2008-present).
• (committee member): Woodsworth, Tom. Field: Environmental geography in China (2008-present).
• (main supervisor): Sinpeng, Aim. Field: Thai politics (2009-).
• (committee member): Rebien, Tommi. Field: Defence procurement in Asia and Europe (2009-present).
• (committee member): Neville, Kave. Field: (2009-present).
• (main supervisor): Zhang, Linting. Theme: China’s role in global energy (2009-present).
• (committee member): Gravelle, Matt. Field: Global Stock Exchange Politics. (2010-present).
• (main supervisor): Doray-Demetz, Pascal. Field: Comparative Political Economy (2011-present).
• (committee member): Kornreich, Yoel. Field: (2011-present).
• (committee member): Lian, Wenqin. Field: Law (2011-present).
• (committee member): Juan Li Maggie. Field: Law (2011-present).
• (committee member): Rodriguez, Fernando Villaseñor. Theme: Welfare Politics in Mexico and Japan (2010-present).
Recently supervised
• (second thesis reader): Bognar, Julia. “Regulating Risk: Explaining Diverging Labeling Policies between Canada and The European Union and Whether These Differences Can be Reconciled.” MA thesis, completed in August 2008.
• (thesis supervisor): Philips, Jeff. “Collecting Rent: Political Culture and Oil and Gas Fiscal Policy in Alberta, Canada and Norway.” MA thesis, completed in August 2008.
• (second thesis reader): Walsh, Mark. MA thesis defended in November 2008.
• (thesis co-supervisor with Julian Dierkes): “Fragmented Decision-Making Processes in a Global Economy: Sovereign Wealth Funds and Policy Coalitions in China.” MA thesis completed in August 2009.
• (thesis supervisor): Goodman, Jessica. “Defining Symbolic Spaces in Response to a Globalized World Incorporating GMOs and Segregating Markets in Mexican Agriculture.” MA thesis defended in November 2009.
• (thesis supervisor): Fraser, Nicholas. “Constitutional Oligarchy: The Complex Unity of the Imperial Japanese State in the Face of Crisis.” MA thesis defended in November 2009.
• (thesis supervisor): Stockman, Christian. Field: EU Environmental Policy. MA thesis defended in November 2009.
• (thesis supervisor): Massot, Pascale. “Sovereign Wealth Funds in China.” MA thesis defended in November 2009.
• (thesis supervisor): Chan, Evelyn. Theme: Deliberation in China. MA thesis defended in November 2010.
• (thesis supervisor): Ma, Bernice (Hua). Theme: Hong Kong Politics. MA thesis defended in November 2010.
• (thesis supervisor): Clark, Josh. Theme: Energy Politics in Canada. MA thesis defended in November 2010.
• (second thesis reader): Lin, Yu-Ting. MA thesis defended in November 2011.
• (second thesis reader): Kim, Ji-Eun. MA thesis defended in November 2011.
• (thesis supervisor): Chen, Yunnan. Theme: China and Environmental Politics. MA thesis defended in May 2012.
Currently supervising
• (main thesis supervisor): Zhang, Chunman. Theme: China and Global Governance. (2011-present).
• (main thesis supervisor): Kim, Marie. Theme: Korean political economy. (2011-present).
Additional Description
Personal Websitehttp://faculty.arts.ubc.ca/tiberg/Homepage09/welcome.html
Twitter: @Yves_Global
Director Emeritus, Institute of Asian Research | Co-Director UBC Centre for Japanese Research | Distinguished Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada: https://www.asiapacific.ca/about-us/distinguished-fellows | Chair, Vision20: https://www.thevision20.org Senior Fellow, Global Summitry Project, Munk School, University of Toronto