I am interested in working with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with a research focus on migration, belonging, and citizenship.
Postdoctoral Supervisor
Lisa Brunner, Postdoctoral Fellow
Sandra Schinnerl, Postdoctoral Fellow
PhD Supervisor
Dhriti Mehta, “The Determinants and Consequences of Canadian and U.S. High-Skilled Immigration Policies”
Claudia Serrano, “Migration Control Practices and Human Right Violations: The US and Australia in Comparison”
Cindy Robin, “The Political Economy of Diaspora Engagement as a Development Tool: The Case of Anglo-Caribbean Small Island Developing States”
Ibukun Kayode, “Experiences of Black Anglophone African Immigrant Women in Accessing Primary Healthcare in Canada” (Interdisciplinary Studies, Co-Supervisor)
PhD Committee Member
Denali Youngwolfe, “The Âhkameyihtamowin Project (We Rise): Mapping Indigenous Assurgency across Turtle Island”
Addye Susnick, “Trans Communities, Trans Joy, and Prefigurative Politics”
Nick Phin, “Cause or Effect? How Far-Right Messaging Influences Voter Attitudes”
Paolo Sosa-Villagarcia, “Why Does the Radical Right Become Mainstream? Peru in Comparative Perspective”
MA Supervisor
Ana Christina Valera Cruz
Postdoctoral Supervisor
Kelsey Norman, SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow
Jonathan Hall, Assistant Professor, University of Uppsala
PhD Supervisor
Camille Desmares, “Discrimination in Post-World War II Naturalization Policy: France and Switzerland” (2023)
Salta Zhumatova, “Mainstreaming the Labour Market Integration of Immigrants in the EU: Policy Framework and Policy Impact” (2022)
Sandra Schinnerl, (Interdisciplinary Studies), “The Influence of Higher Education on Immigration Policy in Canada” (2021, Co-supervisor)
Conrad King,“The Politics of Subsystems: Agenda Management and Policy Change in Education” (2018)
Stewart Prest, “Civil Peace, Political Conflict: Understanding Negative Cases of Civil War” (2015, Co-supervisor)
PhD Committee Member
Laura Cleton (University of Antwerp), “Deporting Children. Policy Framing, Legitimation and Intersectional Boundary Work” (2022)
Daniel Westlake, “Multiculturalism, Parties, and Voter Behaviour: Explaining the Role of Political Parties in the Development of Multiculturalism Policies” (2017)
Grace Lore, “Women in Politics: Descriptive and Substantive Representation and the Moderating Effect of Political Institutions”(2016)
Serban Dragulin (Philosophy), “Science and Political Legitimacy”
Jan Boesten, “Between the Rule of Law and Democratic Security: Judicial, Constituent, and State Power in Columbia” (2015)
Agustín Goenaga Orrego, “The Social Origins of State Capacity: Civil Society, Political Order and Public Goods in France (1789-1970) and Mexico (1810-1970)” (2015)
Charles Breton, “Incorporation Policies, Identity, and Relationships between Host Societies and Immigrants” (2015)
Konrad Kalicki, “Acting Like a State: The Politics of Foreign Labour Admission in Japan and Taiwan”(2015)
Erin Penner, “The Attitudinal Mosaic: Forming Attitudes about Multiculturalism, Immigration, and Ethnic Diversity in Canada” (2013)
John Ferguson (Law), “International Human Trafficking in Canada: Why So Few Prosecutions?” (2012)
Joe Sulmona (Geography), “Trade with Security: How Canada and the Netherlands Relocated State Frontiers Through Civilian Aviation Networks” (2012)
MA Supervisor
Thelma Muñoz Barajas: “Context Does Matter: Exploring the Influence of Moral Exculpation in Attitudes Towards Undocumented Mexican Migration in Canada” (2024)
Sofia Ngieng, “Locating Indigeneity in Migration Studies: Where do Métis People Fit into Indigenous Mobility Narratives?” (2024)
Lee Barrett-Lennard, “Climate Change and the Shifting Cost-Benefit Calculus of Development in the Russian Far East and High Arctic” (2023)
Hanne Schaefer, “Memory Politics and Right-Wing Anti-Immigration Agendas in Contemporary Germany” (2023)
Chandima Silva (SCARP, main supervisor Leonora Angeles), “Moving beyond the Colonial Politics of Recognition by Transcultural Placemaking” (2023)
Melika Khajeh Hosseiny, “Reconceptualizing the Politics of Integration: Tactical Cosmopolitanism among Iranian Immigrants in Los Angeles” (2022)
Dhriti Mehta: “The Construction of the Emigrant-Unfriendly Liberal Democracy: The Case of India” (2022)
Sarah Despatie: “Secularism or Nationalism? Partisan Differences in Quebec’s Bill 21 Debate” (2021)
Renauld Chicoine-McKenzie, “Photographic Frames of Immigration in a Polarized Media Environment” (2021)
Isabella Picui, “Diversity and Inequality? An Analysis of Multicultural Policies and Immigrant Economic Integration in Europe” (2019)
Miaofeng Zhang, “The Hukou System and Sociopolitical Stability in China” (2015)
Tania Sawicki Mead, “Between Care and Control: The Uses and Abuses of Humanitarianism in Contemporary Migration Debates” (2015)
Forrest Barnum, “Crossnational Divergence in Post-OPEC Embargo Energy Policy in Germany and the United States” (2012)
Margery Pazdor (Institute for European Studies), “Female Genital Mutilation in France and the UK: The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Policy Formation” (2009)
Lisa Stark, “Do Muslims Make the Difference? Explaining Within Country Variation on Mosque-Building Policies in Western Europe” (2007)