Brian Job

phone 604 822 0237


Brian L. Job (PhD, Indiana University) was Professor of Political Science and a resident Faculty Associate of School of Public Policy and Global Affairs.  He joined the UBC faculty in 1989, having previously been on the faculty of the University of Minnesota.  He has served as Director of the Centre of International Relations, Interim Director of the Liu Institute, and Associate Director of the Institute of Asian Research.   His teaching and research interests concern international security—more specifically, the evolving security order of the Asia Pacific, intrastate conflict, human security, and Canadian foreign and security policies. His current research concerns UN peacekeeping, the protection of civilians in conflict, Canadian security policy, and security relations among Asian states and peoples.  Job has been actively involved in Asia Pacific expert networks, particularly with the Council of Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP).  He has been co-editor of International Studies Quarterly, and of Global Governance, and serves on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal and of International Relations of the Asia Pacific. Job is currently a Senior Fellow of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada and has been a visiting professor at Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo; Nanyang Technical University, Singapore; and the Australian National University.


See Bio statement and Publications


Recent Publications:

Anastasia Shesterinina and Brian Job, 2016. “Particularized Protection: The United Nations and the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict?” International Peacekeeping. 23 (2): 240-273.

Job, Brian. 2016.“Evolution, retreat or rejection: Brazil’s, India’s and China’s normative stances on R2P” Cambridge Review of International Affairs,Vol. 29, 3.

Job, Brian and Anastasia Shesterinina, 2014. “China as a Global Norm-Shaper: Institutionalization and Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect,” in Alexander Betts and Phil Orchard (eds), Implementation and World Politics: How International Norms Change Practice. Oxford:  Oxford University Press.


Research in Progress:

Brian Job, “China at a Crossroads as a UN Peacekeeper:  Dilemmas and Choices, invited paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, April 6, 2018

Brian L. Job and Anastasia Shesterinina, “Responsibility to Protect:  A Necessary Normative Reorientation,” invited paper presented at the International Studies Associations Annual Meetings, Atlanta, March 16, 2016.

David Capie and Brian Job, “Track Two and Transfer in Southeast Asia,” invited paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Meetings, Atlanta, March 16, 2016.

Brian Job, “The Role of Eminent Persons Groups in Regional Institutionalization in the Asia Pacific,” invited paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Meetings, Baltimore, February 25, 2016.


H.T. Morse-Amoco Foundation Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education, University of Minnesota, 1987

UBC Faculty of Arts Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2008

Graduate Supervision

Graduate Supervision

Recently completed PhD advisees:

Stewart Prest. Civil Peace, Political Conflict: Understanding Negative Cases of Civil War. 2015.  SSHRC Postdoc, Carleton University. Currently lecturer and political analyst.

Anastasia Shesterinina. Post-Conflict Violence and Transformation of Social Networks. 2014. SSSHRC Postdoc, Yale University. Currently Lecturer, (Assistant Professor, tenure track), University of Sheffield.  Thesis publication:  “Collective Threat Framing and Mobilization in Civil War,” APSR. 110, 3. 411-427.

Avery Poole, Processes of Socialization in Regional Institutions: ASEAN and the Charter. 2013. Currently Assistant Director, University of Melbourne School of Government. (tenured)

Leanne Smythe. The Non-Traditional Security Agenda: The End of the Traditional Military? 2013. Instructor and Director of Transitions Programs, Trinity Western University.

PhD Research Committee Member (current)

Kaleigh Heard, Alicia Luedke, Mendee Jargalshaikan

PhD Research Committee Member (recently completed)

Mo Al-Hairabi (2018), Carla Winston (2016, University of Melbourne), Pascale Massot (2015, University of Ottawa) Deborah Farias (2014, University of New South Wales), Aim Sinpeng (2013, University of Sydney), Daisaku Higashi (2013, Sophia University)

Masters students recently completed (post-graduate position):

Ellen Brookes, 2017. PhD program, University of Western Australia. University Scholarship.

Aden Dur-e-Aden, 2014. PhD Program, University of Toronto, SSHRC Fellowship.

Katie Meredity. 2014. Trade Officer, Government of Alberta.

Sam Slota Newsom. 2014. Officer, UK Armed Forces.

Kevin McCleod. 2013. Executive Council, Government of Alberta.

Anton Bezglasny. 2012. Senior Analyst, DND Ottawa.

Karen McCrae.  2012. BC Center of Substance Abuse

Yunnan Chen, PhD Program, Johns Hopkins University.

Gihan, Indragupta, Foreign Ministry of Sri Lanka.

Brian Job

phone 604 822 0237


Brian L. Job (PhD, Indiana University) was Professor of Political Science and a resident Faculty Associate of School of Public Policy and Global Affairs.  He joined the UBC faculty in 1989, having previously been on the faculty of the University of Minnesota.  He has served as Director of the Centre of International Relations, Interim Director of the Liu Institute, and Associate Director of the Institute of Asian Research.   His teaching and research interests concern international security—more specifically, the evolving security order of the Asia Pacific, intrastate conflict, human security, and Canadian foreign and security policies. His current research concerns UN peacekeeping, the protection of civilians in conflict, Canadian security policy, and security relations among Asian states and peoples.  Job has been actively involved in Asia Pacific expert networks, particularly with the Council of Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP).  He has been co-editor of International Studies Quarterly, and of Global Governance, and serves on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal and of International Relations of the Asia Pacific. Job is currently a Senior Fellow of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada and has been a visiting professor at Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo; Nanyang Technical University, Singapore; and the Australian National University.


See Bio statement and Publications


Recent Publications:

Anastasia Shesterinina and Brian Job, 2016. “Particularized Protection: The United Nations and the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict?” International Peacekeeping. 23 (2): 240-273.

Job, Brian. 2016.“Evolution, retreat or rejection: Brazil’s, India’s and China’s normative stances on R2P” Cambridge Review of International Affairs,Vol. 29, 3.

Job, Brian and Anastasia Shesterinina, 2014. “China as a Global Norm-Shaper: Institutionalization and Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect,” in Alexander Betts and Phil Orchard (eds), Implementation and World Politics: How International Norms Change Practice. Oxford:  Oxford University Press.


Research in Progress:

Brian Job, “China at a Crossroads as a UN Peacekeeper:  Dilemmas and Choices, invited paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, April 6, 2018

Brian L. Job and Anastasia Shesterinina, “Responsibility to Protect:  A Necessary Normative Reorientation,” invited paper presented at the International Studies Associations Annual Meetings, Atlanta, March 16, 2016.

David Capie and Brian Job, “Track Two and Transfer in Southeast Asia,” invited paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Meetings, Atlanta, March 16, 2016.

Brian Job, “The Role of Eminent Persons Groups in Regional Institutionalization in the Asia Pacific,” invited paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Meetings, Baltimore, February 25, 2016.


H.T. Morse-Amoco Foundation Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education, University of Minnesota, 1987

UBC Faculty of Arts Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2008

Graduate Supervision

Graduate Supervision

Recently completed PhD advisees:

Stewart Prest. Civil Peace, Political Conflict: Understanding Negative Cases of Civil War. 2015.  SSHRC Postdoc, Carleton University. Currently lecturer and political analyst.

Anastasia Shesterinina. Post-Conflict Violence and Transformation of Social Networks. 2014. SSSHRC Postdoc, Yale University. Currently Lecturer, (Assistant Professor, tenure track), University of Sheffield.  Thesis publication:  “Collective Threat Framing and Mobilization in Civil War,” APSR. 110, 3. 411-427.

Avery Poole, Processes of Socialization in Regional Institutions: ASEAN and the Charter. 2013. Currently Assistant Director, University of Melbourne School of Government. (tenured)

Leanne Smythe. The Non-Traditional Security Agenda: The End of the Traditional Military? 2013. Instructor and Director of Transitions Programs, Trinity Western University.

PhD Research Committee Member (current)

Kaleigh Heard, Alicia Luedke, Mendee Jargalshaikan

PhD Research Committee Member (recently completed)

Mo Al-Hairabi (2018), Carla Winston (2016, University of Melbourne), Pascale Massot (2015, University of Ottawa) Deborah Farias (2014, University of New South Wales), Aim Sinpeng (2013, University of Sydney), Daisaku Higashi (2013, Sophia University)

Masters students recently completed (post-graduate position):

Ellen Brookes, 2017. PhD program, University of Western Australia. University Scholarship.

Aden Dur-e-Aden, 2014. PhD Program, University of Toronto, SSHRC Fellowship.

Katie Meredity. 2014. Trade Officer, Government of Alberta.

Sam Slota Newsom. 2014. Officer, UK Armed Forces.

Kevin McCleod. 2013. Executive Council, Government of Alberta.

Anton Bezglasny. 2012. Senior Analyst, DND Ottawa.

Karen McCrae.  2012. BC Center of Substance Abuse

Yunnan Chen, PhD Program, Johns Hopkins University.

Gihan, Indragupta, Foreign Ministry of Sri Lanka.

Brian Job

phone 604 822 0237
About keyboard_arrow_down

Brian L. Job (PhD, Indiana University) was Professor of Political Science and a resident Faculty Associate of School of Public Policy and Global Affairs.  He joined the UBC faculty in 1989, having previously been on the faculty of the University of Minnesota.  He has served as Director of the Centre of International Relations, Interim Director of the Liu Institute, and Associate Director of the Institute of Asian Research.   His teaching and research interests concern international security—more specifically, the evolving security order of the Asia Pacific, intrastate conflict, human security, and Canadian foreign and security policies. His current research concerns UN peacekeeping, the protection of civilians in conflict, Canadian security policy, and security relations among Asian states and peoples.  Job has been actively involved in Asia Pacific expert networks, particularly with the Council of Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP).  He has been co-editor of International Studies Quarterly, and of Global Governance, and serves on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal and of International Relations of the Asia Pacific. Job is currently a Senior Fellow of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada and has been a visiting professor at Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo; Nanyang Technical University, Singapore; and the Australian National University.

Research keyboard_arrow_down

See Bio statement and Publications

Publications keyboard_arrow_down

Recent Publications:

Anastasia Shesterinina and Brian Job, 2016. “Particularized Protection: The United Nations and the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict?” International Peacekeeping. 23 (2): 240-273.

Job, Brian. 2016.“Evolution, retreat or rejection: Brazil’s, India’s and China’s normative stances on R2P” Cambridge Review of International Affairs,Vol. 29, 3.

Job, Brian and Anastasia Shesterinina, 2014. “China as a Global Norm-Shaper: Institutionalization and Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect,” in Alexander Betts and Phil Orchard (eds), Implementation and World Politics: How International Norms Change Practice. Oxford:  Oxford University Press.


Research in Progress:

Brian Job, “China at a Crossroads as a UN Peacekeeper:  Dilemmas and Choices, invited paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, April 6, 2018

Brian L. Job and Anastasia Shesterinina, “Responsibility to Protect:  A Necessary Normative Reorientation,” invited paper presented at the International Studies Associations Annual Meetings, Atlanta, March 16, 2016.

David Capie and Brian Job, “Track Two and Transfer in Southeast Asia,” invited paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Meetings, Atlanta, March 16, 2016.

Brian Job, “The Role of Eminent Persons Groups in Regional Institutionalization in the Asia Pacific,” invited paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Meetings, Baltimore, February 25, 2016.

Awards keyboard_arrow_down

H.T. Morse-Amoco Foundation Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education, University of Minnesota, 1987

UBC Faculty of Arts Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2008

Graduate Supervision keyboard_arrow_down

Graduate Supervision

Recently completed PhD advisees:

Stewart Prest. Civil Peace, Political Conflict: Understanding Negative Cases of Civil War. 2015.  SSHRC Postdoc, Carleton University. Currently lecturer and political analyst.

Anastasia Shesterinina. Post-Conflict Violence and Transformation of Social Networks. 2014. SSSHRC Postdoc, Yale University. Currently Lecturer, (Assistant Professor, tenure track), University of Sheffield.  Thesis publication:  “Collective Threat Framing and Mobilization in Civil War,” APSR. 110, 3. 411-427.

Avery Poole, Processes of Socialization in Regional Institutions: ASEAN and the Charter. 2013. Currently Assistant Director, University of Melbourne School of Government. (tenured)

Leanne Smythe. The Non-Traditional Security Agenda: The End of the Traditional Military? 2013. Instructor and Director of Transitions Programs, Trinity Western University.

PhD Research Committee Member (current)

Kaleigh Heard, Alicia Luedke, Mendee Jargalshaikan

PhD Research Committee Member (recently completed)

Mo Al-Hairabi (2018), Carla Winston (2016, University of Melbourne), Pascale Massot (2015, University of Ottawa) Deborah Farias (2014, University of New South Wales), Aim Sinpeng (2013, University of Sydney), Daisaku Higashi (2013, Sophia University)

Masters students recently completed (post-graduate position):

Ellen Brookes, 2017. PhD program, University of Western Australia. University Scholarship.

Aden Dur-e-Aden, 2014. PhD Program, University of Toronto, SSHRC Fellowship.

Katie Meredity. 2014. Trade Officer, Government of Alberta.

Sam Slota Newsom. 2014. Officer, UK Armed Forces.

Kevin McCleod. 2013. Executive Council, Government of Alberta.

Anton Bezglasny. 2012. Senior Analyst, DND Ottawa.

Karen McCrae.  2012. BC Center of Substance Abuse

Yunnan Chen, PhD Program, Johns Hopkins University.

Gihan, Indragupta, Foreign Ministry of Sri Lanka.