Daniel Rojas
Research Area
Entrance Cohort
MA in Social Sciences, Flacso-Mexico, 2018
BA in Political Science, Icesi University, 2015
I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of British Columbia. In Spring 2024, I was a Visiting Fellow at the Department of Government at Dartmouth College. My research interests are in comparative politics and the political economy of development. My work focuses on developing democracies, particularly in Latin America.
I use observational and experimental empirical strategies to investigate economic elites’ responses to electoral and extra-electoral redistributive demands. In another line of research, I study migration in Latin America. Some of the topics I investigate include migrants’ second-order beliefs, interventions to reduce migrants’ digital vulnerabilities, and the salience of migration in host communities.
When Pandemic Threat Does Not Stoke Xenophobia: Evidence from a Panel Survey around COVID-19 (with Yang-Yang Zhou and Margaret Peters). Politics, Groups, and Identities (Sept 2024).
2024 Best Graduate Student Paper Award at REPAL (Paper: How Do Business Elites Respond to Social Protests?)