
Make informed and thoughtful decisions about your academic path with the help of UBC Political Science’s advising team, Arts Academic Advising, and other resources available to you.

Political Science Advising

Drop-In Advising

January – April 2025

January 3 – 17:

  • Tuesdays, 2:00 – 3:30 PM
  • Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:30 AM
  • Thursdays, 1:30 – 3:00 PM*
  • Fridays, 10:00 – 11:30 AM

January 20 – April 18:

  • Tuesdays, 2:00 – 3:30 PM
  • Thursdays, 1:30 – 3:00 PM*
    • Except for January 23, 30, and February 6.
  • Fridays, 10:00 – 11:30 AM
    • Drop-in on Friday 21 February is cancelled. 

*Advising available in English and Mandarin.

All drop-in advising sessions will take place at the following Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 699 1228 9250
Passcode: 717613

For those who have never attended drop-in advising hours before, here is what you can expect: students are admitted into the main Zoom room for an individual advising session with one of our advisors in the order in which they join the waiting room. Typical advising sessions range between 5 – 20 minutes. If the request/question that you bring with you to the session requires longer than 20 minutes of discussion, our advisor may ask you to return for a second session at a later date or continue the conversation with you via e-mail, as appropriate. Please keep in mind that, depending on how busy a session is and the order in which you joined the call, you may be in the waiting room for an extended period of time.

We are not hosting in-person drop-in sessions or accepting walk-in appointments during 2024W2 (January – April 2025). If you require an in-person appointment (or an online appointment outside of our regular drop-in hours), please e-mail outlining your meeting availability within advising hours (Monday  Friday, 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM), indicating your preferred meeting format (in-person, Zoom, phone call), and describing your question(s) in a few short sentences. You will be assigned an advisor according to our advising team’s availability and areas of expertise. 

Please note that our advising team has limited appointment availability in June, July, September, and January. 

Contacting the Advising Team

Students are encouraged to first check the Undergraduate Info Hub and the website for answers before contacting the advising team.

Suggested Hub Resources:

If you are a current POLI Major, Minor, Honours, or Combined Major student, you should be able to access the Info Hub via your Canvas dashboard. If, for some reason, you don’t see it there, you can self-enroll in the Hub here:

If your questions are not addressed on the Info Hub or on the website, please e-mail

Arts Academic Advising

Questions about your Faculty of Arts requirements? Arts Advising is the right advising team for you.

Arts Academic Advising supports the academic success of the Faculty’s 14,000 undergraduate students.

From the point of admission, Advising provides programs and services to help you make informed and thoughtful decisions about your academic path throughout your degree program.

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