Gyung-Ho Jeong named winner of Duncan Black Prize for 2017

Congratulations to Associate Professor Gyung-Ho Jeong! He has won the Duncan Black Prize for the Best Paper published in Public Choice (2017) by a “senior” scholar for his article “The Supermajority Core of the US Senate and the Failure to Join the League of Nations.”

For details on the Public Choice Society prizes and awards, click here.

Gyung-Ho Jeong (Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis, 2008) studies American politics, focusing on Congress. He has projects on congressional politics of civil rights, immigration, trade, and foreign policy. He is also interested in party politics (party polarization and party position change) and the politics of bureaucratic delegation. His research has appeared in the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, and Political Analysis.