Associate Professor Fred Cutler has built and launched Prograds, a cloud application for departments, faculty, and students to keep graduate students on track. Graduate programs around the world can now use Prograds to help their students progress.
“I built Prograds after 20 years of supervising grad students. I was frustrated with the inefficiencies in department record-keeping, poor communication with students, and even worse communication with my colleagues about grad student progress,” Cutler said.
Prograds provides one central record for each student. This allows faculty to know their students’ milestones, achievements, and deadlines without the chaos of long email threads between different committee members. Students can rest easy as well: supervisors and committee members will be reminded about their upcoming deadlines. The app can also help department administrators manage grad student progress.
The app is already starting to make waves. This week, it was listed as Bubble’s App of the Day.
“I always thought our students could progress better if we had a single source of up-to-date information about each student, available anytime, anywhere to all of the key people,” Cutler said.