- Alan Jacobs
- Antje Ellermann
- Gyung-Ho Jeong
- Irene Bloemraad
- Kathryn Harrison
- Matthew Wright
- Paul Quirk
- Kristen Hopewell
Key Publications:
- “Policy Attitudes in Institutional Context: Rules, Uncertainty, and the Mass Politics of Public Investment,” Am J of Poli Sci, 2017.
- “Policymaking as Political Constraint: Institutional Development in the U.S. Social Security Program,” in Explaining Institutional Change: Ambiguity, Agency and Power, 2009.
- “Whose News? Class-Biased Economic Reporting in the United States," Working Paper
See Alan Jacobs' full profile here
Key Publications:
- The Comparative Politics of Immigration: Policy Choice in Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the United States, 2021.
- States against Migrants: Deportation in Germany and the United States, 2009.
Courses this term: POLI 516C Debates in Migration and Citizenship
Current research projects:
- Immigration Bureaucracies in an Era of Anti-Immigration Populism
- Graphic Narratives of Migration
- Belonging in Unceded Territory
See Antje Ellermann's full profile here
Key Publications:
- “Political Compromise and Bureaucratic Structure: The Political Origins of the Federal Reserve System,” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2009.
- “How Preferences Change Institutions: The 1978 Energy Act," Journal of Politics, 2014.
- “The Polarisation of Energy Policy in the US Congress” with William Lowry, Journal of Public Policy, Forthcoming
See Gyung-Ho Jeong's full profile here
Key Publications:
- “Claiming membership: boundaries, positionality, US citizenship, and what it means to be American”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2022.
- “Immigration Policy, Presidential Action, and the Politics of Debasement,” in Trumpism and Its Discontents, 2020.
- “Political Stories: Media Narratives of Political Participation by Asian Immigrants in the United States and Canada”, Politics, Groups and Identities, 2016.
- “Immigrants in the Media: Civic Visibility in the United States and Canada”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2015.
- “Our Gratitude to Our Soldiers: Military Spouses, Family Re-unification, and Postwar Immigration Reform”, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 2010.
- Becoming a Citizen: Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada, 2006.
See Irene Bloemraad's full profile here
Key Publications:
- “The Road Not Taken: Climate Change Policy in Canada and the United States,” Global Environmental Politics, 2007.
- “Environmental Policy: Climate Change,” in Paul J. Quirk, ed., The United States and Canada: How Two Democracies Differ, and Why It Matters, 2019.
- Risk, Science, and Politics: Regulating Toxic Substances in Canada and the United States, 1994.
See Kathryn Harrison's full profile here
Key Publications:
- "Diversity Matters: The Election of Asian Americans to U.S. State and Federal Legislatures" American Political Science Review, 2023.
- "Multiculturalism and Muslim Accommodation: Policy and Predisposition Across Three Contexts" Comparative Political Studies, 2016
- "Alternative Measures of American National Identity: Implications for the Civic-Ethnic Distinction" Political Psychology, 2012
Current Research Projects: Changing American Hearts & Minds on Immigration Policy
See Matthew Wright's full profile here.
Key Publications:
- The United States and Canada: How Two Democracies Differ and Why It Matters, Editor. 2019
- “Misinformation and the Currency of Citizenship,” Journal of Politics, 2001.
- The Politics of Deregulation (1985)
- See Paul Quirk's full profile here
Key Publications:
- “The World is Abandoning the WTO: And America and China are Leading the Way.” Foreign Affairs, 2024.
- “Clash of Powers: US-China Rivalry in Global Trade Governance.” Cambridge University Press, 2020.
- “When the Hegemon Goes Rogue: Leadership Amid the US Assault on the Liberal Trading Order.” International Affairs, 2021.
- “Trump & Trade: The Crisis in the Multilateral Trading System.” New Political Economy, 2021.
- “When Market Fundamentalism and Industrial Policy Collide: The Tea Party and the US Export-Import Bank.” Review of International Political Economy, 2017.
Current Research Project: Trade in Turmoil – The Crisis in the Multilateral Trading System (SSHRC Insight Grant).
See Kristen Hopewell's full profile here