Canadian Politics

Key Publications:

  • Building a collaborative advantage: Network governance and homelessness policy-making in Canada, 2016
  • "Designing collaborative governance decision-making in search of a ‘collaborative advantage’." Public Management Review, 2016.
  • "Understanding inclusion in collaborative governance: a mixed methods approach." Policy and Society, 2020.

Current research projects: Arms-length agencies in Canada

See Carey Doberstein's full profile here

Key Publications: 

  • "The Comparative Politics of Immigration: Policy Choice in Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the United States" (2021)
  • “Human-capital Citizenship and the Changing Logic of Immigrant Admissions,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2020
  • “The Impermanence of Permanence: The Rise of Probationary Immigration in Canada,” International Migration, 2020

Courses: POLI 516C Debates in Migration and Citizenship

Current research projects:

  • Immigration Bureaucracies in an Era of Anti-Immigration Populism
  • Graphic Narratives of Migration
  • Belonging in Unceded Territory

See Antje Ellermann's full profile here   

  Key Publications: 

See Kathryn Harrison's full profile here   

Key Publications:

  • It's coming from inside the House (of Commons): Agenda control, accountability, and interest group lobbying in majoritarian parliaments. Governance. Available here.
  • The Influence of Cause and Sectional Group Lobbying on Government Responsiveness. Political Research Quarterly. With Mark Pickup and Heike Klüver. Available here.


  • Using Behavioural Science to Help Vulnerable Youth Access Employment Services in Canada (SSHRC)


  • POLI 504D/405G Topics in Canadian Politics: Behavioural Public Policy

See Vince Hopkins' full profile here

  Key Publications: 

  • The Canadian Regime, 7th ed, 2021
  • “The Courts, The Constitution and Dispute Resolution” in Herman Bakvis and Grace Skogstad eds., Canadian Federalism: Performance, Effectiveness and Legitimacy, 2020

Courses: POLI501 - Canadian Government and Politics

See Gerald Baier's full profile here   

  Key Publications: 

  • Canada and the Ethics of Constitutionalism: Identity, Destiny, and Constitutional Faith, 2018

See Samuel LaSelva's full profile here   

  Key Publications: 

  • Leadership in Global Institution Building: Minerva’s Rule: (Editor), 2013
  • "Dealing with Rapid and Systemic Change: A Smart Canadian Approach to Global Institutions and Partnerships," 2016
  • Navigating the Age of Disruption: Understanding Canada’s Options in a Shifting Global Order (under review)

See Yves Tiberghien's full profile here   

  Key Publications: 

  • The United States and Canada:  How Two Democracies Differ and Why It Matters, Editor. 2019

See Paul Quirk's full profile here