Public Policy

Key Publications 

  • "The origins and effects of public servant confidence in whistleblowing protection regimes," Public Administration, 2020.
  • "Whom do bureaucrats believe? A randomized controlled experiment testing perceptions of credibility of policy research," Policy Studies Journal, 2017.
  • "Experimenting with public sector innovation: Revisiting Gow for the digital era," Canadian Public Administration, 2020.

Research Project: Canadian Public Sector Research Panel w/ Étienne Charbonneau (ENAP)

See Carey Doberstein's full profile here

Key Publications 

  • The Comparative Politics of Immigration: Policy Choice in Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the United States (2021).
  • “Do Policy Legacies Matter? Past and Present Guest Worker Recruitment in Germany,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2015.
  • “When Can Liberal States Avoid Unwanted Immigration? Self-Limited Sovereignty and Guestworker Recruitment in Switzerland and Germany," World Politics, 2013.

Research Project: Immigration Bureaucracies in an Era of Anti-Immigration Populism

See Antje Ellermann's full profile here

Key Publications

  • “Deliberating Surveillance Policy:  Congress, the FBI, and the Abuse of National Security Letters, “ Journal of Policy History, 2016.
  • “The Cooperative Resolution of Policy Conflict,” American Political Science Review (1989).
  • The Politics of Deregulation (1985).

Current Research Project:  Deliberating Surveillance Policy in Congress

See Paul Quirk's full profile here

Key Publications

See Matthew Wright's full profile here

Key Publications

  • “Why Equity is Fundamental in Climate Change Policy Research,” Global Environmental Change, 2017.
  • “China’s Rising Influence on Climate Governance: Forging a Path for the Global South,” Global Environmental Change, 2022. 

See Peter Dauvergne's full profile here

Key Publications

  • “Private Actors, Public Policy Impacts: The Forest Stewardship Council in Russia and Brazil.” Forests, 2017.
  • “Climate Change Policies in the Post-Socialist World,” Current History, 2014.

See Lisa Sundstrom's full profile here

Key Publications

See Michael Byers' full profile here

Key Publications

  • “Beyond Party: Ideological Convictions and Foreign Policy Conflicts in the US Congress,” International Politics, 2022. 
  • “The Polarisation of Energy Policy in the US Congress,” Journal of Public Policy, 2021. 
  • “Measuring Foreign Policy Positions of Members of the US Congress,” Political Science Research and Methods, 6(1): 181-196, 2018. 

See Gyung-ho Jeong's full profile here

Key Publications

  • Behavioural Insights and Political Science. Canadian Journal of Political Science. With Andrea Lawlor. Available here.
  • Ambiguous COVID-19 Messaging Increases Unsafe Socializing Intentions. Journal of Behavioural Public Administration. With Mark Pickup and J. Scott Matthews. Available here.
  • Does administrative burden influence support for a low-income childcare supplement? Evidence from a survey experiment. Canadian Journal of Political Science. With Yang Yang. Forthcoming.


  • POLI 504D/405G Topics in Canadian Politics: Behavioural Public Policy

See Vince Hopkins' full profile here

Key Publications

  • “National Standards or Territorial Autonomy? The politics of fiscal federalism for health care in Canada,” In Press at Territory, Politics, Governance, 2023. 
  • “Downstream from the Centennial: Navigating Fifty Years of Policy Change.” In Policy Transformation in Canada: Is the Past Prologue?, University of Toronto Press, 2019. 

See Sophie Borwein's full profile here

Key Publications

  • Latin America’s Left Turns: Politics, Policies, and Trajectories of Change (Edited with Eric Hershberg), Lynn Rienner Publishers, 2010.
  • "Democratization of Foreign Policy: The Ottawa Process as a Model," Canadian Foreign Policy, 1998.
  • Democracy and Foreign Policy: Canada Among Nations (Edited with Maureen Appel Molot), Carleton University Press, 1995. 

See Max Cameron's full profile here