Key Publications:
- The Comparative Politics of Immigration: Policy Choice in Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the United States, 2021.
- “When Can Liberal States Avoid Unwanted Immigration? Self-Limited Sovereignty and Guestworker Recruitment in Switzerland and Germany," World Politics, 2013.
- States against Migrants: Deportation in Germany and the United States, 2009.
Courses this term: POLI 516C Debates in Migration and Citizenship
Current research projects:
- Immigration Bureaucracies in an Era of Anti-Immigration Populism
- Graphic Narratives of Migration
- Belonging in Unceded Territory
See Antje Ellermann's full profile here
Key Publications:
- “Mixing Methods: A Bayesian Approach,” Am Polit Sci Rev, 2015.
- “Process Tracing the Effects of Ideas,” in Process Tracing in the Social Sciences: From Metaphor to Analytic Tool, 2015.
- “Pre-Registration and Results-Blind Review in Observational and Qualitative Research," in The Production of Knowledge: Enhancing Progress in Social Science, 2020.
Current Courses: Qualitative Methods of Political Analysis
Current Projects: Integrated Inferences
See Alan Jacobs' full profile here
Key Publications:
- “Precarious Times, Professional Tensions: The Ethics of Migration Research and the Drive for Scientific Accountability”, International Migration Review, 2022.
- “The Promise and Pitfalls of Comparative Research Design in the Study of Migration”, Migration Studies, 2013.
- “What the Textbooks Don’t Tell You: Moving from a Research Puzzle to Published Findings,” in Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, 2012.
See Irene Bloemraad's full profile here
Key Publications:
- “Clash of Powers: US-China Rivalry in Global Trade Governance.” Cambridge University Press, 2020.
- “Breaking the WTO: How Emerging Powers Disrupted the Neoliberal Project.” Stanford University Press, 2016.
- “Multilateral Trade Governance as Social Field: Global Civil Society and the WTO.” Review of International Political Economy, 2015.
- “Different Paths to Power: The Rise of Brazil, India and China at the WTO.” Review of International Political Economy, 2015.
Current Research Project: Trade in Turmoil – The Crisis in the Multilateral Trading System (SSHRC Insight Grant).
See Kristen Hopewell's full profile here